Chapter 2 (Part 2 ~ ONC 1 of 5)

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It felt like something was crawling over my neck. Like a cold and soft breeze that held a vague shape. Scratching at the skin, I felt nothing but the sensation wouldn't go away, and it freaked me out that there might be a bug on me. So, I rushed to the bathroom to make sure there was nothing on me.

Looking in the mirror, I searched my neck and made my way up into my hair.

Because I spent my life at archaeological digs, I didn't bother with putting effort into my appearance. There was little point to it when most of the places were hot and dusty. Makeup was pointless and would often slide off other women when they wore it, so I didn't bother. My hair was kept to an easily maintained length that sat at my shoulders. It could be tied up but was looked reasonable if I wanted to let it hang freely.

I didn't bother with colouring it either. A lot of people did, and after a few weeks, the tell-tale sign would appear. I kept to my blonde and ensured that life was simple.

When I found nothing in my hair, I sighed. Then I thought that the bug might have ventured into my shirt. Rushing into a cubicle, I pulled it off and turned it inside out. There was nothing, so I put it back on and returned the washbasin.

Turning on the water, I cupped my hand and let the cold liquid pool. When there was enough, I hunched over and splashed the water on my face. All the while, I prayed that it was not a symptom of whatever was wrong with Eddie.

I didn't feel lethargic, I had a spring in my step, and I didn't feel like the walls needed to hold me up. As I lifted upright, I turned the water off. With a heavy sigh, I reached for the paper towel and blotted the water from my face.

When I looked in the mirror, I yelped in shock, spinning around to look at the man behind me. There was nothing.

My hand was shaking as I reached for the basin, praying that my legs did not collapse.

It was no ordinary man. It looked like the body that was in the sarcophagus.

"I must be going mad," I whispered.

Was that what this was? What other explanation was there? I was the only one that saw a body rather than a skeleton, and now I was seeing things that were clearly not there.

I needed fresh air.

Rushing out of the restroom, I made my way to the doors, pretending that everything was okay. I was perfectly fine and not about to have a mental breakdown.

Pushing through the doors, I felt the cool of the afternoon hit me. The soft wind was refreshing on my flustered face. I took it all in, enjoying the moment of sanity.

Because I really was insane if I thought that I'd seen the living body of the man that was not in the sarcophagus.

"It is not real," I whispered to myself.

The door clunked behind me, alerting the guards to my presence. One of them gave me a stiff nod and turned back to his newspaper. The little hut was enough to keep him dry and free of sunburn, but that's it. Like the rest of us, he was used to life in the outdoors, and it didn't bother him.

In the small area set aside for the smokers, I sat on a bench and stretched back to look at the sky. It was still blue, still a perfect day.

When I felt better, I sat up and took a deep breath in. I was not insane. I did not see the body in the sarcophagus nor in the mirror. I was not ill, and I will not become sick. It was just a minor episode, probably brought on by working too much.

Lifting from the bench seat, I walked back into the building and returned to my desk, hoping that everything would be okay. That the words that I'd said to myself outside would remain firm in my mind and I wouldn't falter. It was a long shot considering that I didn't believe the words, but I would do my best to persevere.

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