Chapter 5 (Part 2 ~ ONC 4 of 5)

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Dinner was now in the trash and a second one was in the microwave. Constantino was not easy to deal with in the sense that we couldn't understand each other, but in terms of what he was, it was a breeze. He didn't seem interested in pinning me down and sticking his fangs into me. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that he was more intrigued by everything in the kitchen.

He leaned over and watched the microwave, his eyes narrowed at it. When it binged, he jumped with fright and then started babbling at me with a heavy frown. Pushing the door release button, I guided Constantino to the dining table and made him sit down.

"Why don't you look at the pictures in this magazine?"

He looked at it with curiosity, then gestured to the woman on the cover. Then he motioned to my legs. I looked down at them and wondered what he was saying. I was wearing cargo shorts and a standard work shirt.

"Let me guess, women never dressed in shorts wherever it is that you're from? And we never showed this much flesh, right?"

Constantino opened the magazine a few pages in, gasping in minor shock.

"Oh, yeah. You're probably not used to seeing women in bikinis either. Maybe I should find something better for you."

I tried to take the magazine away, and he tugged it back, scowling at me.

"Fine, pervert," I muttered.

Taking my second dinner out of the microwave, I put it onto the counter to cool. Finding the vampire a few more magazines to read, I hoped that we could start to form some kind of understanding. Taking everything to the table, I picked up the brochure for the local pet supply place. On the front was the cutest Labrador. If I didn't work the odd hours and strange locations like I did, I'd have a Labrador. This dig was the only one that I'd had that was close to my home, and I'd wager I'd never have one this close again.

Then again, looking at Constantino, I wondered if there were more of him down there. A legion of vampires waiting to be woken from the death-like sleep, ready to unleash a wave of destruction upon the weak, unsuspecting humans.

Constantino looked at the brochure when I put it on the table.

"Dog," I said, pointing to the golden fluffball.



Slowly I picked my way through the meal when something occurred to me. Holding out a forkful of lasagne, I watched as he sniffed it and then shook his head swiftly.

"Okay then."

Flicking the page over, I pointed to the next animal.


Constantino began sounding the word out, frowning at the pamphlet. Every animal was pointed out, and he tried to sound out each of the words. When I found a picture of a family in another flyer, I pointed to each of them. Man, woman, boy, and girl. I tried not to be confusing, but it wasn't easy considering that I could have gone more in-depth like husband and wife, brother, sister, children, parents.

When my meal was done, I cleaned up the kitchen and returned to the table. My resources were limited, I didn't have children, I didn't even know anyone that had them. So, I had to rely on the internet. Doing an image search, I showed him a lot of pictures and told him each of the words.

Curious as to his thoughts on what he was, I searched pictures of vampires. Constantino frowned, almost smiling. He looked at me and flicked his hand out at the screen, muttering something at me.

"I'm not a fan of horror or gory movies, but I liked Dracula when it came out. Mostly because I'm a big fan of Keanu, so, I had to see it. Ever heard of Dracula?"

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