Chapter 18

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Just in a blink of an eye, the past three months went past and so much happened. She began her work with Azlan, bonded with him and to her own surprise, fell in love with him too. It didn't stop there. The love only grew stronger and only got better until it blinded the two leading them to commit the grave mistake they ended up committing. Her life had become such a mess in the matter of a month. How wrong she was to trust him, how wrong she was to even hope that even after all this chaos, if she goes to him, he would accept her.

Everything she had held close to her heart was being taken away from her and she had no control over it. Her childhood was snatched away by the disturbance in her family, her adulthood was tough because everyone shot daggers at her for being an adopted girl and now the man she loved with all her heart left her when she needed him the most. Now when she has one thing that's her own, she can't even be proud of it. Because it is an outcome of something wrong, something immoral.

This was the second time she was being abandoned in life. The first time was when her own father estranged himself from her and now, it was him who abandoned her. Azlan Behraam Khan was the only man she loved. She was now at a point that she didn't even feel for herself. Because she was a fool to commit all the wrongs that she did.

She felt sick and disgusted to even think what she ended up doing with him. She was even more shattered to know that the situation both were equally involved in led her to accept and take responsibility of her actions, while he became the coward and backed off. If he loved her, then why did he do this to her? This question was stuck in her mind, but she didn't want an answer anymore. It was too late. The damage had been done.

When she left his house earlier that afternoon, Dania Ali Muraad walked out like a stone hearted person. Her eyes were empty, the tears had dried out and her heart was strong and core as a rock. She didn't want to cry now. The time for crying had gone. It was time to act. Time to admit what she did wrong and it was time to rectify it.


The stream of restlessness was running within him. He was angry. Not at her. But at his own self. Not because he let her go but because he allowed her to break the wall around him which he had built for so many years. When no woman was allowed to enter it, how did he let her in so easily? Where was the Azlan who didn't want to love or have a family after seeing the outcomes of it in his own home.

He wasn't too cruel like many are in this world. He was strong, he was arrogant, and he was reluctant and reserved but he was never the one to push out people because he never allowed them to come near him in the first place. Apart from Kunwar and his father, no one else could do that. This wasn't his cruelty because he wouldn't show it to anyone. He would show nothing to anyone. No hatred and no love and in return he would just expect that people keep away from him because of that. How and when Dania broke that rule and how easily he let her do it, even he didn't realise. And now he was guilty of it.

This is what he was scared of. He didn't want to love because he knew he won't live up to it. It's in the genes. How his mother didn't keep up and looked after the love she received from her husband, he couldn't do it either with the woman he loved. Just like his mother abandoned her child, he abandoned his. He was hating the fact that despite trying as much as he could, he ended up becoming like his mother. His love was unconditional just like his father. But his way of protecting and handling love was like his mother; unaware of the depth of it, unaware of how precious and special is. This led him to break her heart. This led him to break her. Just like his mother had broken his father. It was so easy for him to join the dots when considering the similarities, he shared with his mother.

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