Advice Column

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Don't you wish that sometimes, you could rewind time?  I was reminded about that fantasy the other day when I received a question from Alex:

I made one of my best friends really mad by accident because I didn't realize that there was a misunderstanding between us.  And I didn't realize until three months later when someone else told me!  Now it's been all awkward because I had no idea.  I'm trying to be their friend again, but it looks like they're self-conscious about it now.  What should I do?

A N S W E R :

I know the feeling too well.  My friend and I were really close, and we actually started to like each other.  However, someone twisted my words, and it really hurt him.  I didn't know that he was hurt until a few years later.  I felt like I was a horrible friend.  I can tell you what I did and somethings you should consider NOT doing.

1.  Bring it up when nobody else is there.  Don't make it a big deal in front of everyone.  If you do, it's going to make everybody else feel awkward or spread rumors and such.

2.  Don't keep apologizing.  I realized that by doing that, I really made him feel uncomfortable, and once you say sorry, that's it.  They either accept or reject it.  It's up to them, but once you've apologized, you have done the best you can.

3.  Think about how they felt.  So you can understand why they were acting in that self-conscious way.  It may not be what you think, and it may take some time, but don't impose yourself on them.

Well, those are just a few things I'd recommend you to think about, so don't feel horrible.  This is how life works - you learn to mend relationships and create new ones.  I have to congratulate you on taking the initiative to mend your relationship, though.  Many people will hold grudges for a very long time without trying to understand each other.


Have any questions to ask @nacchisu?  Please send them her way via PM or email


Hibari Hana-chi~<3



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