Advice Column

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Hello friends! It's-a me! Hasami! Your backup Advice Columnist! This month, I'll be answering questions from my lovely friends on some certain topics. Stay tuned!


 "I have this friend who I kinda think is...annoying...Seriously, Every secret that I tell her, she spreads it out. I always get mad at her for that but I don't really tell her because she is my best friend. We have been best friends for almost 1 year. I don't wanna break that. But I really get pissed whenever she tells others my secret. But when she tells me a secret I don't tell others because I know that she'll get hurt or something when I do. I just want advice on what I should do...should I tell her that I get annoyed when she spreads my secret out?"

~Ms. Nerdy Girl

Dear Ms. Nerdy Girl, 

First of all, I want to ask you. Is she worth it? Is she a real friend? You see, trust is one of the most basic things you can hope to find in a friend. I'm a big fan of closure. I think you should tell her how you feel. If she's a true friend then she'll understand and you could probably work something out. Also, if you're best friends then shouldn't you tell her how you feel? Your friend should know how hurt you feel from the treatment she's giving you. No friend should be like that! 

Ms. Nerdy Girl, I sincerely hope you get the result you want. If it doesn't work out in the end, I want you to know that it is not your fault, no one can tell you otherwise. A true friend will understand your situation and work to fix themselves up. 

Readers! Let's help Ms. Nerdy Girl over here! Leave your comments or suggestions on how she can help this situation with her friend! :) Let's all do our best to help each other! 


Next, we've got a bunch of rapid fire questions from 5 different KuroBasu fans! 

Ahhhh, ganbatte myself! 

I'll do my best! 


From RoseFire81

"I wanna know what happens if Kagami Taiga is one of the GOM, I wonder how their bonding time will be and if the anime will be the same as ever. Also, what if Kagami or Aomine didn't exist, what would it look like?" 

Well, number 1 then the Kiseki no Sedai would be super overpowered! Also, there would surely be a couple of problems in regards to the roster. As we all know, Kagami and Aomine play the same position. They are both powerhouses and they dominate the field. Since Kuroko's passes work exceptionally well with them both then Kuroko will obviously be in play, we could see some spectacular plays but I don't think Kuroko has it in him to keep them under control. Kuroko's character profile says that he doesn't have a specific position, since he passes a lot he could be a Point Guard or he could be using the Small Forward position to Playmake. Akashi would be able to keep them in control but he doesn't have the closeness with them both and that could cause some problematic, but not too dangerous friction. We also know that Kagami and Aomine seem to be ballhogs, so definitely expect seeing one-man shows from the two of them as teammates. 

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