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Domo~ Minna-san~! =D Desty here with the Questionnaire, and I hope you all enjoy the last issue of Favorite guy! theme... Well, have fun! ♥

~✿How It Works✿~

Read each question and pick one answer and tally the points (Either by memory or jot'em down on a piece of paper). Now, go through the questionnaire like this and at the end you'll have your result! Easy, right? Have fun~! ^-^

⭐Theme: Favorite guy! Who would you be with: Murasakibara, Himuro, or Kiyoshi?⭐

. * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . KnB . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * .

Question [01]

Your type of guy has to be...?

-Dark and emotional (+1)

-Gentle and strong (+2)

-Childish and sweet (+3)

Question [02]

You want to please your crush! What do you do for them?

-Buy them lots of snacks (+1)

-Spend time with them and play billiards (+2)

-Laugh while playing hanafuda (+3)

Question [03]

What do you like most about your guy?

-His upbeat personality (+1)

-His childish tendencies (+2)

-His deep understanding (+3)

Question [04]

You get to spend a day with the one you like! How do you want it to go?

-Laid-back, with finding out what different foods he likes (+1)

-Pleasing, trying to get the other to smile and laugh with you (+2)

-Fun, just doing anything to have a fun day out (+3)

Question [05]

You know your guy so well! What's something you know about him?

-That he wants to be a pastry chef (+1)

-He can play the harmonica (+2)

-He can juggle (+3)

Question [06]

You really like your guy on the court! What's your favorite thing about him?

-His ultimate move: Thor's Hammer (+1)

-His perfect fakes and Mirage Shot (+2)

-His Right of Postponement (+3)

[6-9 Points]

You would be with: Murasakibara Atsushi

A candy-loving giant with an appetite for snacks. He triumphs basketball with his incredible size and naturally raw talent. He never has to try hard due to this, so he comes off as lazy and ill-mannered. But you accept his faults and tend through his childish nature, so much so that he remembers you above the rest.

[10-13 Points]

You would be with: Himuro Tatsuya

A dark-haired beauty of a man with a mask to hide behind. His elegance both on and off the court dazzle you into submission as you try to figure this guy out. With a dark and emotional past, what he needs is someone to accept him through and through and be able to work with him through all of the faults and cracks in life.

[14-18 Points]

You would be with: Kiyoshi Teppei

A supposed 'clown' at first, his easygoing and smiling nature can fool a lot of people. When he gets serious, you know there's more to this character than you thought. Quite insightful in all areas of life, this Crownless General is not one to underestimate. His size may seem intimidating, but he always has a gentle and trusting nature, even more so to you.

~Hope you had fun with this one, and remember to talk about your results down below to let me and others know your results! =D ♥Desty

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