Monthly Manga Review

190 10 5

Review chapter 275 [last chapter]

First off all I would like to say, this was not a satisfactional ending. At all.

In the first pages we see everyone after the end of the match, the Seirin players are cheering, they got 1st place at the Winter Cup after all, and the Rakuzan people are like they just saw someone dyeing.

After that we get the inner thoughts of the Akashi, it’s about losing…..It had to happen at least one time Akashi, deal with it.

And then, the moment you’ve been waiting for people, mister absolute Akashi Seijuro, is crying. Please Akashi fangirls, don’t fangirl.

Then he says to Kuroko that the next time they are going to be the victors to which Kuroko responds to as “All right, let’s play again, again and again”and again and again and again “as many times you want” and then they shake hands….And that’s how Akakuro never happened.

Then we get a shot with the sexy GoM people and their teams, Ogiwara, the back of Hanamiya’s head, a bold guy, and someone that looks like Kasamatsu but it’s not him.

Time skip to the next day, the Seirin players are at the gym, also Kiyoshi isn’t there (TT^TT), they start talking about recruiting new members, but then! Someone remembers that Kuroko isn’t there.

“Kuroko Tetsuya, the protagonist that could easily be a side character”

Kagami goes to search for Kuroko, who suddenly appears behind him, saying that Momoi had to give him his picture.

Then we see that picture, Kuroko with Momoi and the Gom, where everyone seems the same except Akashi and Murasakibara whose  swag has increased by 130%

And then the end


No more knb manga for you people

Just wait for the 3rd season of the anime now

Whenever it comes

Kuroko no Basuke Magazine : Issue #3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin