Cosplay Ideas

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Hello~ It's ZeWhoa and I’m going to be providing cosplay ideas for everyone, Yay!

Okay so, one of the simplest and easiest outfits to use as cosplay would be; The Teiko girls' uniform.

Now, if you’re thinking ‘But that’s not something one of the main characters wear’, Remember that Momoi is also a part of GoM, and she also went to Teiko.

Back to the main topic. The uniform isn’t all that hard, first you’ll be needing a short black pleated skirt with two white stripes around the hem of the skirt. If you cant find one with the stripes, I suggest stitching them on yourself. Don’t know how to stitch? Don’t be shy to ask for some help from your mom, or maybe even your grandma.

Next, your going to need a pale blue/ light blue button up polo, no details required. Pretty easy so far, right? Now, you're going to need A white V-neck sweater (oversized, if possible), I’m pretty sure we have one lying around somewhere… Then, the last detail is a black ribbon. A plain black ribbon, that’s it. To add some more feel, you can throw in some knee-high or thigh-high socks, white or black, it wont matter.

For shoes, …some black flats maybe? I don’t think it really matters, Because Cosplay is about being dressed as one of your favorite characters and having fun while dressed as them, I don’t necessarily think you have to look like an exact replica.

What about your hair? There are two choices: 1. You could be Momoi 2. You could just be a random girl that went to Teiko.

For Momoi, just dye your hair pink. As easy as that. Or if you don’t want to dye all of your hair, you could do this weird pink ombre –its what I did- But, if your one of those people that prefer buying a wig, then I suggest just do that.

For random school girl, well… there's nothing to do really, just keep your hair color and style it however you want it. Or maybe you’d like your very own wild colored hair, then just dye it the color of your choice.

Now for the eyes, once again, just like in the hair section, you have your two choices. To be Momoi, some pink contacts are enough, and if you want to add some more details put on some mascara and add on very little eye liner to look more like Momoi.

Remember! As a random school girl, just be you, or create your own character! Let your imagination run wild!

Just one last thing I almost forgot. How do you put the outfit on, or assemble it? Wear your polo first, then put on the skirt so that its tucked in -Tip: Once its tucked in, raise your arms up so that the polo untucks a bit and then you’ll be able to move more freely- Then after that just wear your sweater as you usually would, and then tie on the ribbon under the collar of your polo. Then your socks, now, BAM! You're finished.

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