Interview with ShadeOfBluee

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Hello everyone! This is retardedinpajamas, your host of the interview article for KnB-Magazine! For this month’s issue, we would be interviewing our very own, @ShadeOfBluee – san!

RetardedinPajamas: Oiiiiiiiiii can I interview you for the knb magazine?XD

ShadeOfBluee: Uhhh. XD Sure. Hahahaha! (Lez us talk in english xD) About what? :)

Retardedinpajamas: I'm going to interview~~ hahaha anyways, for my first question - how did you discover wattpad? (my typical cliche questions)

ShadeOfBluee:  I discovered it, uhm, a while back when I was in third year of high school. I bought a book that was published from Wattpad (DNP :D), then it inspired me and I eventually created my own account.

Retardedinpajamas: Whoa nice! :D What did it feel like, at the time you wrote your fan fic and people read and liked it?

ShadeOfBluee: Uhm. Of course it made me happy. For an amateur writer like me, few votes and good feedback make me proud of myself. At least by means of those fanfictions and stories they also became happy, and it also makes me happy that I can also inspire them. :)

Retardedinpajamas: All authors can relate!! Next question, what is your type of anime? Do you watch "feels" anime?

ShadeOfBluee: My type of anime? It would be Shounen, sports, I also like shoujo, I'm not into harems and at the same time it's a reversed one. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. Feels? Actually, no. Many of my friends recommend anime feels to me but all I say is "Okay, I'm gonna watch it if I have time." But the truth is, I really don't like feels. I'm an emotional person, I don't want to cry. XDD I might add: I also like fantasy, humor, and romance. ;)

Retardedinpajamas: Wahhhh we're the same TTuTT Hihihi, I like your type of anime ;) So anyways, do you listen to vocaloid and kagepro songs?

ShadeOfBluee: Uhm.. To be honest I don't actually listen to vocaloid songs. I've listened to one Vocaloid song though, Just be friends is the title I think? Anyway, Kagepro songs! I love its songs <3 Yuukei Yesterday and Outer Science are my favorites <3 Haha.

Retardedinpajamas: I see, I see c: True that. Hmm... let me ask you, what are the anime that made you cry?

ShadeOfBluee:  Hmmm. XDD Hahahaa! As I've said I don't like feels anime but, there are some anime that made me cry. :) Clannad, Mekakucity Actors (I dunno huway) and Fairy Tail (I dunno huway either xD).

Retardedinpajamas: Awtssss... Your tears are understandable. So let me ask you, do you go to anime conventions?

ShadeOfBluee:  Haha. Understandable. XD Anyway, uhm, not really. My parents don't let me. Besides that the place where the conventions are always held is far from home, my parents are strict when it comes to those things. I did go to one before. I dunno that was maybe my first and last until I have graduated from high school. XD

Retardedinpajamas: Don't say that! Who knows, a "miracle" will happen and your parents might let you go :D (can u sense the knb reference there)

Okay last question, if you were to meet fellow otaku wattpadians personally, what would you like to say to them?

ShadeOfBluee:  Hahahhaha. XD Yeah. I actually thought of knb. XD Ohhh. I actually and honestly wanted to meet one! Even one! XD Anyway I might say: "Hello. Nice to meet you." Honestly I'm a shy person, I don't rant random things in person than what I do in Wattpad. XD But I really want to meet one! I'm looking forward to meeting one, yeah. XD So if you want to see me here's my address--//get smacked by a brick. Joke. Lol.

Retardedinpajamas: Oh, give it, I'm a pro stalker. *gets hit by a bus* Kidding, lol. Anyways, thank you so much for letting me interview you! It’s really fun talking to you :D Til' next time! Looking forward to seeing your interview in the next issue of knb magazine!

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