Finally Fessing Up

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Hi guys! Once again, it's Red_ZeveRin & keyqueen13 here to bring you another dose of some fesses from our dear readers!! We've gotten a bit busier since classes started, so we've got just a couple of answers. Don't worry, we'll make up for them next issue!

This month's question is....

"What is your weakest subject, and why?"


Here's from user IMyMeYours :

'My weakest subject is history. I seriously don't know why we have to dwell in the past. I just wanna look at the future and learn from my mistakes myself! Though, maybe some people don't agree to it... Hehe...'

Red_ZeveRin says:

'History? Well, it does depend on what history you're dealing with... But well, everyone has their preferences, and i cant argue with yours. Still, try and enjoy it by watching some historical anime! Haha!'


Here's user YumiCariLa4 :

'Math. Definitely math. Especially trigonometry! It's like hell with numbers! I can't deal with so much formulas! Uhuhuhuuuu!!'

Red_ZeveRin says:

'Oh gosh. Math. I know that feeling. I was once terrified of math (thanks to a teacher of mine) but now I realize how important it was to... Future courses. Hehe'


And lastly, from user ReAliTyIsCrAp :

'Well, maybe it's science?? :)

Like the physics and chemistry part of it. Formulas and equations hate me... X( And memorization. Science y u do this to meh?!'

Red_ZeveRin says:

'Ahem. Gotta agree on you for that one. I only like specific science topics. Formulas hate me as well. Thumbs up!!'


Here’s from ME! Red_ZeveRin :

'If there's a subject i cant stand, it's Physical Education, all because I'm not that sporty. I know I watch all sorts of sports anime and I seriously love them, but that's it. I cant do sports, no matter how much i watch!! '


Well, sadly that's most of it. I hope you'll vote for the one you agree with!

Last month's winner was user summer_romance_ ! Let's give her our support and check out her stories!

Well, since it's kind of busy now, here's some quick suggestions for everyone!! If you want to answer the question for next month's issue, you can Private Message either me (Red_ZeveRin) or keyqueen13!!

Here's next month's question:

"Which Kuroko no Basuke character did you first like and explain what caught your eyes!"

 PM us minna-san~!!

 So I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to support KnB-Magazine!!


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