|The Sky|Emma

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Boi im proud of thiz. Thiz iz for my disgusting sis  Sweetpanda666 (ur not that ugly sis 👌) hope you enjoy Bois and girls
6 am, the hour when every one wakes up hearing dynamic voice.
"Wake up everyone! We'll get late for breakfast!" The girl with orange hair, just like a orange said with a smile on her face.
Young ones started to beg with tears for help with getting change or they would run around.
"Jezus, could you two stop?!" a girl with round glasses said. Well seen like everyone's awake.
Finally, Y/n decided to do the same.

" thank you for the meal!" everyone said at the same time. Y/n had a smile on their face. Y/n really enjoyed spending their time with siblings and mum. A tiny thing of the family member would make her/him happy, even a simple 'hi'!
Like always the breakfast was delicious however, it was time for the tests.

×after tests×

"let's play tag!!" a boy said.
"Norman you're 'it'" The optimistic girl said. Y/n decided to join the game. Y/n knew that would not stay for long because of Norman's dark magic of tag called strategy but still, it's fun!

Like Y/n expected, it wasn't a long game for him/her. Some time have have been gone and finally Emma and Norman's back.
"he got me again!" the girl said with a sad face.
"sorry Emma but it's just a game, don't worry!" the boy with white hair and blue like water eyes said.
Y/n approach Emma trying to make her feel better. A tiny giggle came out from an energetic girl. You two decided to spend some time together like old times.

The thought about this all made you really happy! You appreciate the fact  that Emma wanted to spend some time with you.

Y/n and Emma have been talking about many things, about the past and the future they hope to have.
"i want to make sure everyone will be fine. And I hope that once we become older we will see our siblings that left this house!" a smile appeared on y/n's face. It was adorable that Emma cared about all of the family members!
"what do you want to do once you'll meet them again? " y/n asked. A girl starter to scratch her chin thinking about the question.
"I want tor create a good new memories with them!" you looked at Emma with a smile.

You two have been talking for hours! A tiny bell noise could be heard in the background, which meant 'you must go mum now'.

It was bedtime now. Everyone changed into their snow white pyjamas. Y/n walked torwads her/his bed to rest and get the energy for next day. A letter took your attention.
"a letter?" y/n ask her/him self. Y/n brag the mysterious letter. Inside was a messages to '' meet me outside at 10pm" wondering who wrote it y/n went out side to see the one who sended the letter

You noticed Emma sitting down looking up to sky.
"hey, thanks for showing up" the girl said with a smile still looking at the sky.
So Emma is the one who wrote the letter!
Y/n joined next to her. A million of dots lighted up the sky. It was beautiful.
"it's beautiful" y/n said. Finally y/n decided to ask as why did Emma wrote that letter.
"oh, I wanted to tell you that... That your are dear to me and I want to create with you, Norman and Ray good funny memories!" after those words your heart started to beat much faster. Y/n hugged her tightly, appreciating her kind words torwad you.
" thank you".
Thx for reading!
Next one shot : norman x reader


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