The girl who sees all-Gage's POV

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    My sister and I got a call from Stella at like 12 at night and she sounded very confused and scared. She was freaked out. We headed over there and saw her standing talking to someone. It was Ayden, Danny's brother. He looked extremely pale and none of us have seen him for like 6 months. He left to find his pack. I wonder if he found them.

"What happened," I asked Ayden and Stella.
They didn't say anything and then I asked again.
"Nothing Gage," Stella seem angry at me and I haven't done anything this time.
"I'm not a werewolf anymore, I'm a vampire. And unlike Avery I don't have my werewolf abilities." Ayden finally talked. "I don't even remember what happened before I was here. They must have compelled me or something."
"Why don't you have your werewolf side." Sophia chimed in.
"I don't" He said.
"Avery does, but she is some sort of original vampire from the cemetery. So I wonder if that's how she got to keep her abilities." Sophia was trying to figure it out.
"She said she was a hybrid," Stella said to everyone. "I wonder if all the originals are hybrids of what ever they were before." She looked so pretty trying figure it out. I was staring at her.
"Gage what are you doing," Sophia slapped the back of my head. I hope Stella didn't see that.

Ayden walked into another room. I tried to follow him and see if he was okay, but he shoved me back and I went flying into a bookshelf.

"Ok, I'm not helping him," I said to Stella and Sophia. I got up and Sophia wanted to go home, but I didn't trust Ayden with Stella. I know they know each other and Stella is capable to take of herself. Sophia left and I was right behind her.

"Hey Gage, thank you for coming. It just means a lot to me." She walked over and hugged me. I let go and looked into her eyes and she was staring back. I leaned in and kissed her. It felt good, but she backed away.

"I can't do that Gage."
"Sorry I just-" I was flustered.
"It's fine, I know you like me and I would probably like you if Jett wasn't in the picture and I love him." She seemed why to calm about everything.
"Good bye" I walked out the door and say Sophia standing outside the door and she was staring at me like what did you just do.

We went home and I jumped on my bed and went to sleep. I woke and it was bright and sunny and then I walked downstairs. Stella was there cooking breakfast and there was another girl she was younger than Stella. Stella looked like she was in her 20s or 30s. I was confused. Then the little girl run up to me and hugged me.

"Daddy your up," She screeched. I hugged the girl back and then Stella walked over to me and gave me the smallest peck in my lips. I looked confused because she asked me what's wrong.

"I'm just so happy," I finally said to them. Then out of nowhere an older lady came out from behind me and looked at us. She had dark brown hair and her skin was kinda wrinkly. She was pretty short.

"Do I know you miss,"
"No, but you will soon enough," then she used her vampire speed and grabbed my daughter. "I can take whoever I want from you. You have to learn that and will get along just fine."

Something hit me and I woke up with a sudden jerk upward. Sophia was standing over me and she was hitting me with a pillow.

"Stop stop," I started to scream stop.
"Then get up faster, we are going to be late for school."

I got dressed and put a blue and black sweatshirt and some blue jeans. I walked downstairs and got some breakfast. Sophia was rushing me to finish and then we went to her car. I told her about the dream. She seemed scared.

"Um, I think that was a banshee prediction, someone close to you is going to be taken. Lydia taught me some signs and signals to watch out for."
"How is that even possible. I can't be a banshee."
"I mean you do have the banshee gene and you might have access it." She was really confident in that statement. I was still unsure.

I left Sophia as soon as we got to school. I saw Stella and Ella talking. Then out of nowhere something popped into my brain. It was the old lady. I looked around and saw nothing. I started to panic and Stella saw me and ran over to me bracing me and holding me up. Ella was confused, but she ran to find Sophia.

"What's happening," Stella was starting to panic.
"I think it's a panic attack," I said.
"Here let me help," another voice came from behind me. I looked and it was the old lady. I fainted and then I went back into the dream. This time the woman was standing in front of me just staring at me. I screamed and the woman screamed. Both of the screams collided.

"So you are a banshee," she said.

I woke up in the nurses office and looked for the lady. She was gone. Stella and Sophia were talking and Ella was standing next to the door. I told them not to trust that lady.

"What lady?" The girls said.
"The one that helped me when I fainted."

I ran out of the room and started to look for the lady. I couldn't find her anywhere. I ran up and down the halls and looked in every room. It was like she never existed.

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