Story from Long Ago-James's POV

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I was hanging out in the new place that my vampires just took over. Those Blades were an issue long ago. Now they are back and they were stronger than ever.

I was in the stadium room. I made the vampires get me a throne chair. I was sitting in the chair looking at Avery and Eric. Lola was our probably causing trouble with the annoying group of kids who have been an issue in the past.

I told some of my vamps to go find the pack of children and spy on them. One of them came back and told me that they were coming to talk to me. I of course wanted to skip the whole conversation, but I guess I will talk to those annoying children.

I heard a few voices coming from the top of the stadium. I saw the hunter kid, Gage and the alpha girl, Ella I think.

"So you wanted to talk to me about something," I asked very annoyed.
"Yeah we have a question. The girl you killed. Well I kinda resurrected her and she is a vampire. She doesn't seem like she feels anything not love or friendship. It's like she has never felt anything ever." The hunter was explaining to me.
"Oh, she turned her emotions off huh." I said to them.
"What does that mean!" Both of them screamed.
"Vamps do that when they cannot take the guilt or pain of what they have been doing. I normally leave my emotions off, but when I was revived back from the dead I have been a little less sad." I was actually smiling. "I haven't been happy in a long time."
"How do we get the emotions back on?" The girl asked.
"You just have to make her feel something." I was laughing. "Trust me that's going to be an issue since she doesn't probably want to turn them on."

"Why are you kinda helping us?" The hunter looked at me confused.

"I just felt like you needed me and that girl won't turn her emotions on for awhile so have fun." I was laughing louder. The two of them walked out of the room and left.


It was night and my mom told me to never go out at night. She says the monsters will get me if I went out there. I am 16. I wasn't going to listen to her. There was a girl in my town that I wanted to meet in the forest behind my house. Her name was Abigail. She had beautiful brown eyes and strawberry-blond har that was so pretty . She was also really tough unlike me who was scrawny. I didn't understand why she liked me.

I went into my room and my mom who was Hannah was in her room. She was a kitsune. I haven't gotten any kitsune powers yet so I thought I was just human. My mother told me that my powers would eventually come and I didn't know if I even wanted them.

It was night time now and Abigail will be waiting for me and I had to get to her quickly before someone else did. I snuck out of my window of my room. It was on the second floor. I fell down into the bushes and I got up. I was bleeding. Then I realized I was healing and the cuts were already gone. I ran to the spot in the woods and saw Abby in the moonlight. She was so pretty.

"Hey, I didn't think you would come," she said.
"Oh you thought I would miss seeing you." She laughed and I leaned in. I pressed my lips on hers. She kissed back. It felt perfect. I backed up and grabbed her hand. I dragged her to the lookout over Beacon Hills. Oh yeah I live in Beacon Hills. We laid there looking over the town. The stars were so pretty and adding Abby's beauty the night was perfect.

Abby got up and started to freak out. I was confused what was happening. She started to scream. I learned about something from my mom. Was she a banshee? I didn't know. I grabbed her and she stopped screaming.

"James we need to leave. I saw something and I can't explain it." She was crying. I turned around to leave, but saw someone standing there. The person was growling at us. He was a werewolf. I stood in front of Abby. She was scared and started cry louder. The guy jumped at me and I punched him. I grabbed a stick to the side of us and smacked the guy in the face. He roared even louder. The guy ran at me and I was ready again to fight off the guy.

"Run!" Abby started to run but then another guy walked out of the shadows. He grabbed Abby by the throat. She tried to scream, but before she could the guy broke her neck. He dropped her to the ground and she was dead.

"Nooo!" I screamed. The one werewolf I was fighting slashed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground. I wasn't healing fast enough. I was going to die. The two angers werewolves left and now I was going to die with the love of my life already dead. Someone came out of the woods and ran up to me. She was so fast and I didn't even see her run up to me.

"Hey kid I can help you, my names Lola. I can keep you 'alive'." She said alive sarcastically. She bit her wrist and shoved her hand at me. Her eyes were making her face all veiny. She forced me to drink her blood. Then out of nowhere she broke my neck. It was dark and I couldn't feel a thing

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