The Gift from a Vampire-Gage's POV

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I was with Stella, Ella, and Sophia when Lydia called us. She told us that James had a present for us at the Blades. I was never going to admit it, but I was terrified. Stella looked like she wanted to go right away since Greyson was there. Stella stormed out of the apartment. The rest of us followed her. She was on a mission and that was to put an end to James.

I went to grab my bow and some wooden tipped arrows and a dagger thing because I wanted to be prepared for anything. I was ready for a big fight that was probably going to happen.

I got into the car and Sophia drove to the warehouse. There was no one in sight. We got out of the car and went to the door. It was unlocked. I ran inside ahead of the girls. I saw a bunch of people dead and a few who were bleeding. I saw Poppy and she was trying to help some older lady.

"Poppy what happened," I asked scared of the answer.
"The vamps they attacked they took a bunch of our people. I'm scared. There was an army of vamps!" She was talking really loud now. Ella and Sophia came up to us and were looking for other people to help.
"Sophia where's Stella?" I screamed.
"She went to find Greyson," she looked at all the death and started to scream. Everyone left in that room covered their ears and I ran over and tried to calm her down. Nothing was working. She was screaming louder now and my ears started to bleed. Then out of nowhere she stopped and opened her eyes.

"Where's Stella, she's in danger." She said.
"What did you see!" I yelled at her. Ella and Poppy were now next to me and Sophia.
"She was killed by a vampire and it was James." I got confused and then I ran to go find her.

I went room by room and could only find a few people still alive. Ella was right behind me. She saw someone and ran to help them. It was Ryland. I kept running. I came up to the stage room where I saw a bunch of people sitting in the sits. It was the vampires. James was on the stage with Eric and Lola. Someone else was there, but I couldn't make them out. Someone grabbed me from behind and shoved me against the wall.

"What are you doing here, you need to leave." It was Ayden. Savanna was there too.
"Wait why are you here," I asked both of them.
"Avery joined James and now they are going to try and take over the world. First they needed to take care of a threat to their existence." Savanna explained quietly.

Ayden threw me to the ground. I got up and he told me to leave.
"Who's here with you!" He shouted.
"My pack" I said and then I stabbed him with an arrow in the side. Savanna ran at me while Ayden fell to the ground. She tried to hit me, but I blocked her then stabbed her in the back. She fell to the floor right next to Ayden.

I ran away from them and found Ella and Ryland.
"Ella get him out out of here, the vamps are still here." I said.

She grabbed him and ran out of the warehouse. Sophia and Poppy had already left with a bunch of other blades who were still alive.

I saw Stella and Greyson fighting a vampire and I shot an arrow into his chest. He fell and turned gray. He was dead dead.
"Thanks," She gave me a smile.
"We need to leave now," Greyson yelled.

Us three ran towards the doors of the building. A vampire appeared in the doorway. Greyson growled at her. I turned around and saw James, Eric, and Avery.

"You thought you could get away Stella, I said I had a present for you." He was smirking at Stella. I grabbed the dagger from my side and then Eric charged me into the wall and I dropped the knife. He had me by the throat.

"Stop it, just give me the gift and then we will leave." She pleaded with James.

Someone brought someone out to us, their face was covered. Then two more were brought out. The people uncovered the people by removing the masks. It was Logan, Danny, and Kevin.

"You have to chose two and they survive. The other one will meet a horrible end." The big bad vampire said.

I was looking at Stella who was very scared. She knew that if she picked the wrong she would lose all of them. If she picked Logan and Danny, Kevin would be killed and she would lose Danny anyway. Logan was her twin brother and Danny her best friend. Kevin was the obvious choice to kill.

Greyson yelled and charged at the vampire at the door. He slashed the girls face and body and then she punched him. He fell unconscious.

Stella was not sure what to do and she kept looking at me for help. I didn't know what to say.

"I chose you to be killed." She said with a smile pointing at James. I was confused, but then Ella dropped down from the roof and staked the big bad kitsune. She turned around and cut the ropes from the three hostages. I heard Sophia scream to my side and a bunch of vampires went flying to the ground. Poppy and Ryland shot some arrows at a few vampires. They fell to the ground and turned gray. Eric let go of me and then I grabbed the dagger and started to stab him repeatedly. It didn't do much though.

James got up. He took the stake from his chest. He threw at Stella and it hit her in the chest. She fell to the ground. Everyone looked at her and all stopped what we were doing to run over to her. I grabbed her and cradled her in my arms.

"I'm not going to lose you," I said to her while rocking back and forth. The vampires all got away except Avery stayed. Savanna behind her. Ayden must have taken off.
"Gage it's fine, I'm the most happy I've been in a while, the pack is back together." She smiled. I kissed her and everyone looked away because they didn't want to see me doing that especially since she has a boyfriend. "I had to do that" I said starting to cry.

"I know," is all she could say.
"I love you Stella," she drifted away in my arms.
Everyone started to cry and Danny and Kevin were holding each other. Ella was crying into Rylands shoulder. Sophia was trying to be tough. It wasn't working. Greyson and Logan were right next to her and I let them say goodbye.

Avery ran over to then and bent down and bit herself. She tried to feed her blood to Stella. Logan stopped her.

"No she isn't becoming one of you things," Logan was trying to say in between sobs. Greyson got up and walked over to Avery.

"I hate you," he said with so much passion. Savanna started to walk towards Avery and she grabbed her. They took off running.

I picked Stella up and brought her outside and walked into the woods. Everyone followed me. I found a clearing in the woods. I set her down and everyone started to dig a hole for her. We finished pretty quickly. Everyone said there goodbyes to Stella.

Logan set her into the grave and Sophia had grabbed a few flowers from the forest and placed them on the grave.

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