There gone again-Stella's POV

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Everyone who was left after Avery disappeared again were shocked. I called Jett to tell him what had happened. Ryland and Poppy went back to the Blades Headquarters and told their commanders what had happened. That one of the strongest vampires was disappeared.

I tried to call Danny and Kevin, but neither of them picked up. Sophia and Gage stayed over at the apartment. Ella went to the Blades with the bag she had with her. Sophia used the shower and then went to bed leaving me and Gage alone.

"I'm sorry about the other day, with the kiss situation." He was still trying to apologize.
"Like I said it's fine," I was trying to convince him that he didn't do anything wrong even though I knew he did. I wouldn't ever admit it, but the kiss was really good and he made feel something every time we were together. I still love Jett just he hasn't been around as much. Gage has been here everyday helping me and we got super close.
"I think I'm supernatural, I think I'm a banshee." Gage said looking at the floor.
"What is that even possible!?" I was confused. "Isn't a banshee a girl thing?"
"I thought it was but Sophia believes that I am one because I have the 'gene'." He was staring at me now.
"Well if she does then so do I and I'll help you figure it out since you helped me so much." I told him with a smile.
"Thanks," He was smiling too.

I got up and hugged him and it was awkward. Then I went to my bed and laid down. I got on my phone and saw someone had texted me. It was Danny.

D: Wait you guys found Avery and Ayden
S: yeah but there gone again
D: oh well you guys will find them
S: what about you two, what are two up too
D: Kevin just brought me to LA and we are staying in an expensive hotel right now
S: are you coming back anytime soon
D: possibly I don't know if I want to come back since both of my siblings are technically dead
S: you have me and everyone else and school
D: trust me I'm having much more fun and plus I'm a senior and most of classes aren't required to graduate, and I'm not even sure if I want to go to college
S: WHAT? We had it all planned out and all of us would go to the same college
D: like I said I might come back soon but you guys have been struggling enough and I'm not going to be much help anyway, all of you are better fighters anyway
S: well ok, goodnight and hopefully I talk to you soon
D: goodnight sleep tight

I put my phone next to me on the bed. I closed my eyes and drifted away.

The next morning

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon being cooked and then I walked out of my room and saw Ella cooking breakfast.

"Hey, I'm cooking eggs, bacon, and of course my speciality pancakes." She was laughing and smiling. "Do you want to go get ready Stella?"  she was pointing at Gage and Sophia.

I looked at myself in a mirror and my hair was crazy and I looked so gross. Gage and Sophia started to laugh.

"Hahahha so funny," I said very sarcastically and then I gave them the death stare.
"Were just playing with you," Gage said smiling. "You look every time I see you even now." He realized that he said that  out loud. Ella and Sophia gave each other a weird look. I blushed and walked away before anyone could notice.

I got ready and put my hair into a ponytail and then put some leggings and a sweatshirt on. I walked back out and grabbed my breakfast.

I heard my phone start ringing and then Ella's and Sophia's started too. We all picked up and instantly the mood was changed. It was Lydia and Malia about Scott and Stiles. They were attacked by a group of vampires and guess who was leading them, James. Stiles wasn't as bad as Scott. Scott had bite marks all over him and he wasn't healing. Lydia told this to Sophia. James also said something else to Scott.

"Tell the new pack to come meet me at the Blades headquarters. I have a present for them." That is what James said.

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