Happy and Sad-Danny's POV

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A couple days ago in LA

It's been a great trip other than we haven't found Avery or Ayden. I was in LA and it was fun. Kevin and I have done almost everything around the country. I was scared to do some of the stuff, but Kevin made me feel so safe.

"It'll be fun," he said. We were going zip lining. "If you do it I'll do something for you that I know you love." He smiled after saying that.

"Fine," I said snippily. "I won't have fun though."

"Oh come on, you just have to get over the fear." He kept laughing at me.

"Stop, you know I'm terrified of heights." I was making a pouty face.

"Ok I'll stop but you have to do it." He hugged me and I felt a million times better.

We walked out of the hotel room. It was suite with a huge bathroom and king sized bed. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the hotel. I called a taxi to come get us. The guy saw us holding hands and gave us a very strange look. I saw him and then leaned over and kissed Kevin. He was surprised, but the guy looked away as soon as I did that.

He mumbled something. I heard him, but I didn't want Kev to hear so I kept kissing him. He said, "what a couple of fags," I was hurt by the world and how people still say those type of things in 2019. I was getting angry. I stopped kissing Kevin.

"You know what man, mind your own business, I can kiss who ever I want in public." I was very angry now. Kevin tried to calm me down, but it wasn't working.

"Well this is my taxi, fag." The man said. I could felt my claws growing and then in quick slash the guy was dead. Kevin was shocked and he grabbed me and pulled me out of the taxi and we ran away.

"Why did you do that," he asked.
"I don't know I thought I had control but then I was just like I can kill this guy and the bad thing is I wanted too." I was crying because I didn't want to kill anyone and then I looked at Kevin.

"Show me your eyes!" I opened my eyes and they were blue. Kevin was shocked and then his facial expression changed and he pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine we'll figure it out." I felt safe again. "You'll be fine." My head was buried into his chest. We were in a small alley way. I heard police sirens coming closer to us.

"We should head to the hotel and leave LA." Kevin was right. We did need to go. We came here because Kevin got a deal to make a record and we were going to meet the producers and then the whole thing happened.

"I'm sorry, Kev. I know you really wanted this." I felt so bad, but I couldn't control myself. I think there is something wrong with me and the were coyote side of me was going crazy. It felt like something was telling me to kill whatever came in front of me.

"It's fine D, I will get more deals in the future." I know he was not happy, but he tried to smile anyway.

I went up to the hotel room and packed everything up. There wasn't much. I had a bag and Kevin had a bag. We had a bag of snacks and maps and other stuff that we needed. I walked down to the lobby and couldn't find Kevin anywhere. I saw a women. I walked over to her.

"Have you seen another guy around here? He was just down here."

"No sorry. I can help you look. My names Lola." She smiled and held out her hand. I shook her hand and we walked out of the building. I caught his scent and started walking in the direction it was coming from.

"Did you find something," the women asked me.

"No, but I think I'll be fine." Then I released the scent was coming from her. I grabbed her hand.

"Where is he." I started to shift.

"Oh little coyote be careful your in public." She was smirking now. Then she jammed her hand into my chest. "I would let go of me if you know what's best for you." I could feel her hand on my heart. She gently turned it and I let go instantly.

"Your one of th-" she threw me into an alley and I tried to get up. She was then on top of me tying ropes around my hands. They had wolfsbane on them.

"Well looks like you aren't that strong after all." She was laughing at how weak I was. Then it was black.

Present Day

Stella is dead. I lost another person I love. Kevin was cradling me and I was shifting into wolf form. I couldn't control it. I was screaming and growling. I pushed Kevin away and ran deeper into the woods. I could hear all of my friends yelling for me to stop. I didn't know how to. I was scared and sad and angry.

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