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Perrie was sat down at the table closest to the window inside of the school's library, her notebook sat in front of her on the table along with a pen beside it. She was tapping her fingernails on the wood as she impatiently waited for Louis to show up like he said he was not even a few minutes ago. Before she could take her phone out to aggressively text him, he came walking through the double doors and sat in front of her, placing his backpack on the table in front of him and giving the blonde a big smile.

"You're slow," Perrie remarked, giving him a playful look which made him shake his head and stick his tongue out at her. "Seriously, though, were you walking at a mile an hour? You said you'd be here at 12 and it's now 12:20."

Louis scoffed, "Only twenty minutes late, get off my balls."

Perrie rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head as she opened up her notebook, flipping through the handwritten notes to get to the page she wanted. "First of all, I would never be on your balls—" Louis laughed a bit too loud and the librarian shushed him. "And second of all, only twenty minutes? Tomlinson time is a weird thing."

"Excuse me, Tomlinson time is the best time," he said way too cockily as he opened up his backpack to get a black notebook, which was ripped at the ends and so beaten up that Perrie questioned how he used it.

Perrie was about to make a snarky remark but got distracted at a tiny drawing at the top of her notes that she didn't recognize as her own. Ballpoint pen markings followed by a rough drawing of Saturn, surrounded by little stars that ended up being in clusters, an arrow pointing to the cluster of stars with the words 'Canis Major' written in pretty handwriting with a heart drawn sloppily beside it. The i's were dotted with tiny filled-in hearts that made Perrie's real heart drop, acknowledging the handwriting as Jade's. She must've gotten into her notebook and gave her a little doodle since she told her the day before she didn't know what a Canis Major is. Perrie felt herself smiling ear to ear and her cheeks burning from the blush creeping up on her unwillingly.

Her own little world of Jade was snapped away as Louis began to talk again, thankfully ignoring her little moment. "So I heard about what happened last night," he said. "I was sadly in the toilet when the whole thing went down and Harry had to tell me when he was driving us home, which isn't too fun because he was angry driving and I don't like when he angry drives."

Perrie now frowned as she remembered the incidents of the night before, seeing the whole scene of Jade being felt up by a creepy dude and Harry having to punch him so he didn't hurt
either of them. "Ugh, he was so fucking disgusting touching all over Jade like that when she was clearly pushing him away," she snapped, maybe a bit too loud since the librarian gave her a look, making her quietly say sorry.

"Boys can be gross, especially straight ones," he replied as he opened up his notebook to the page he needed it to be. "Good thing you and Jade don't have to deal with them." He was clearly hinting to Jade not being straight again and the growing smirk on his lips was making Perrie's eyebrows raise.

She sighed, "Would you stop putting this false hope in me that Jade is gay? Even if she is, that doesn't mean she would like me. I don't think white blondes that don't know any constellations besides the Big Dipper are her type."

Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes so hard that Perrie was sure that they would fall out. "Stop putting yourself down like this, Pez," he said softly. "You're gorgeous and such a kind human and you two are as close as two peas in a pod. She would be ridiculous if she didn't fall for you as well."

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