twenty-five: epilogue

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moonlight - ariana grande




Life has never been better for Perrie. Ever since Jade became hers, they've walked to classes together, holding hands, and sharing small kisses to say goodbye. No one had heard from Liam since their first year. It's now their last year and Perrie couldn't believe that she had been with Jade for that long: four years. She had dreamt as a little girl of finding someone that would love her to the moon and back and after years of worrying that that wouldn't happen, she was stood besides the love of her life with her cap and gown on.

Perrie looked around the inside of the venue, seeing all of her fellow students sat in the audience with their caps and gowns. Louis appeared in the middle, standing up and waving at her excitedly. She waved back, smiling happily, noticing a giddy Harry sat beside him. It's safe to say that the rest of that house stayed best friends for the last four years as they all lived together for the entirety of it, despite the random bickering about small things that would occur. They had the chance after every semester to move out, find another place to live, if they wanted to, but they were never the same without one another. Perrie was glad that Liam had left when things got tough with him around since she's not quite sure how she would have handled living with him for the rest of the four years of college, knowing he was still fixated on Jade after all of that time. As she's looking around, she noticed Liam sat in one of the last rows, talking to a girl beside him. He had a smile on his face and although she's expecting the worst, she hopes that he is happy with someone for once.

The dean tapped on the microphone on the stage and began her speech about the last four years that they endured. Jade's hand made her way to the blonde's thigh and squeezed it gently, making her let out a small giggle at the feeling. "I can't believe we're graduating together," Jade whispered into her ear before placing a kiss to her cheek.

"And I can't believe you still love me after all of this time," Perrie confessed. She's always wondered if Jade would lose feelings, considering all of the problems that happened before they became official. She was always worried about Liam coming back or if Jade was actually not over Liam this whole time. Her mind was always working at the negative possibilities.

Jade pouted before grabbing ahold of the blonde's face and turning it to look at her, pressing her lips firmly against hers. "I'm in love with you, moonlight," she said softly. "I don't think I'll ever stop feeling this way."

Perrie felt her eyes get watery, but she blinked them away, mumbling a quiet "I love you" back. The dean's speech was over and they began announcing the names of the students in order. When Jade's name was called, Perrie screamed and cheered like her life depended on it, same with the rest of the housemates in the back of the audience. They all screamed and cheered for each other, the room feeling so full of love and happiness for their achievements. A few moments pass and the ceremony ended, the entire group of housemates heading into Harry's van and making their way to a fancy restaurant to celebrate.

The day was feeling bittersweet already. This was one of the last days of being all together like this since Harry and Louis were moving in together, Leigh was moving out of town to pursue her fashion career, and Jesy was continuing her schooling at another college far from town. It would be difficult to have moments like this again and Perrie was already beginning to miss waking up in a house full of them. Jade was saying she was going to move back to South Shields, but never confirmed what her plan exactly was as she wanted to let everyone know tonight at the dinner. Perrie was worried that she wouldn't be able to be as near to her since she had plans on staying in the city, so the anticipation of knowing her plans was building up as the van pulled up to the parking lot.

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