Shes Gone.

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He couldn't stand to watch you leave. He loved you. "Why How? This all happened to soon." Soul said looking at the cab drift farther and farther away as the tears filled his eyes. "She can't be gone. No not yet! Soul wake up! Wake up! This isn't real!" Soul said trying to convince himself you weren't leaving. It didn't work, he knew you were gone for good, he just knew it. "I actually loved her. How could this happen? I loved her!" Soul yelled crying hard.

"If you love someone, you have to let them go. If they come back there yours, and if they don't it just wasn't meant to be." Maka said holding Souls shoulder trying to comfort him. Soul looked at we covering all his tears. "Maka how long have you been there." Soul said nervously. "Long enough to see you cry. You really loved her didn't you?" Maka said looking down at her feet frowning. "Yeah, I did. I thought she was the one." Soul said, tears lightly falling again. He whipped his eyes fast so Maka wouldn't see him cry. "Soul, it's okay to cry. You lost someone important, I understand." Maka said comforting Soul as he gave up and cried.

"Soul, she may have left but you always have me here for you." Maka said smiling. "Just like old times before (your name) came along." Soul said with a shy chuckle. "That's right Soul! You always have me." Maka said giving him a cheesy smile before she hugged him. It took Soul about 30 seconds to actually hug back. "This is what (your name) wanted. She wanted me to move on. How can I move on so fast?" Soul said as he lightly hugged Maka for about a minute more. "Soul, it's me and you against the world." Maka said smiling. "Yeah Maka. Me and you." Soul said as he nervously rubbed his head. He looked back to the direction the can went and he just frowned. He looked back at Maka and smiled.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Where stories live. Discover now