Leaving Him

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The can ride was long. Crying in your lap hard enough for the cab driver to notice. "Uh ma'am are you okay back there?" You didn't say anything. You wanted to but you just couldn't. How could you without crying. It's impossible for you, you loved him to much. Soul was all you could think about.

"Has he talked to Maka? Does she know I'm gone?" You thought to yourself. You were sad about leaving Soul but you were also sad leaving Maka. As you thought about that pain came. "Has he moved on to Maka already?" You thought to yourself hiding your tears and drying your eyes. "What if, if he moved on already did he, not love me?" You thought looking out the window.

"Ma'am if you need to talk I'm here for you." The cab driver said to you looking back at you with a serious expression. "I don't think he loved me." You said softly trying not to cry. "Tell me what happened. I'll listen and I won't judge you." The cab driver said.

"I fell in love with this guy named Soul, and supposably he loved me back. Today when I left I told him to move on to Maka wich it his partner and I'm scared he moved on already. If he moved on to Maka already I don't think he really loved me." You said clenching your fist out of stress. "It seems that your the jealous type? I'm sure he hasn't moved on. At the most he probably just tried to make a move but couldn't bring himself to do it. I'm sure he loves you." The cab driver said with a comforting voice. "I miss him, so much. I really loved him." You said softly under your breath. "Then let him go. If you actually love him." The cab driver said. That made you cringe. "Oh soul." You said looking down. Little tears drifting down your face.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora