Your Mine

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".Hey Maka, we need to talk." Soul said knocking on Maka's bedroom door. "Soul it's 3 in the morning can you wait?" Maka said sleepily opening the door. "No, it's important." Soul said looking down.

"Maka, I've been up thinking and thinking. I don't love you. (Your name) is my one and only forever. I can't move on, Maka we're done." Soul said lightly crying. "Soul, I love you." Maka said crying. "I'm sorry but I don't. I'm hers not yours." Soul said frowning. "YOURE SUCH A JERK!" Maka yelled slamming the door in his face.

"(Your name) wouldn't have done that! She's actually cool!" Soul yelled back and went to his room. "I guess it's true Soul, you fell for her." Soul said to himself smiling. Soul looked at a picture he had of you and softly touched it and whispered, "I love you beautiful." Soul softly cried looking at the picture. He looked out his window and smiled. "Somewhere out there I bet your looking at the same sky thinking about me too. Your mine, forever and always." Soul said softly holding the picture of you.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz