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You got home to your parents house late at night when everyone was asleep. There was a note on the door that said: "(your name) we're glad you're back. It's getting late now, by the time you get here we will be asleep. Your room is the same as last time. Go up and go to bed, we will see you tomorrow. We love you."

You looked around the house and got memories of when you were young. You loved your parents but the DWMA academy was your favorite. You walked up to your room and smiled. You haven't seen your room forever. Your stuff animals that you missed. It's like your child hood came back to you, but you still missed Soul.

That night as you lay in bed you had trouble falling asleep. But as soon as you did you had a nightmare. A nightmare that wouldn't end. You tried to wake yourself up but you couldn't. The image in your mind was stuck there. "How could she." You thought to yourself crying as you woke up.

You fell back asleep and had the same terrible nightmare. It was terrible. Seeing Maka and Soul so happy together. They kissed as she was watching. They didn't notice she was there but they kissed and hugged. Maka didn't seem to feel bad at all. She heard they're exact words after the kiss. How Maka told Soul she loved him. It was the worst dream ever.

You woke up and say straight up. You convinced yourself it wasn't real but you couldn't help but wonder. "What if they did kiss? Does Maka love Soul? Does Soul love Maka?" You thought to yourself. "It's all my fault. I'm the one that told him to move on." You softly said under your breath looking around.

"Maka, how could you." You said shaking your head in sadness and disappointment. "Can he really move on that fast." You asked yourself. "Maybe he could. But I loved him. And I thought he loved me." You though tears feeling your eyes. You fell back asleep but you kept having that dream over and over.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Where stories live. Discover now