The Kiss

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"Maka thanks for everything today, I really appreciate it." Soul said to Maka as they walked back to there house. "Oh yeah no problem. I'm your partner I'm always here for you. You'd do the same for me wouldn't you?" Maka said smiling. "Yes of course Maka. I would anything for you , I promise." Soul said smiling. "I'm glad (your name) is gone right now." Soul said. "Soul?" Maka said surprised. "What Maka?" Soul said confused. "I thought you loved her? You just cried for her. Why would you say that?" Maka said feeling awkward. "I don't mean it in that way Maka. It's like I never met her, I'm just glad she left before she broke my heart." Soul said looking around.

"Soul why would (your name) break your heart? She loved you a lot. What's gotten into you." Maka said grabbing Souls hand looking at him straight in his red eyes. "Maka, she didn't love me. She wanted to use me for Kid didn't she? Maka you should know." Soul said shaking his head in agony. "Soul that's not it! (Your name) loved you with all her heart. Why are you acting like this? Don't think that she used you for Kid." Maka said seriously. "Is that why she left me Maka? Does this make any sense to you? She never loved me." Soul said looking at Maka with tears in his eyes as she held both of his hands. "Soul, she didn't have a choice." Maka said as she let go of his hands.

"Maka, I need you." Soul said blushing with a frown as he thought of you. "I know." Maka said as she lightly hugged you. Soul thought about you during the hug. "Maka and I can't move on. Were just friends! That's it." Soul yelled to himself in his mind. "Soul?" Maka asked. "Yeah?" Soul replied. "Do you love me?" Maka asked breaking the hug as she looked him straight in the eye. "Maka I," Soul said as Maka cut him off with a kiss. "Soul I love you." Maka said after she kissed him.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin