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Tsubaki knocked in Soul and Maka's door. Maka answered the door with happiness, "Hi Tsubaki!" Maka said happily. "Hey Maka, I just came by to see how Soul is, you know, what happened with (your name)." Tsubaki said smiling. "Oh Soul, he's great! We're a couple now so he really doesn't care that she's gone." Maka said happily. "Woah, Maka! How could you do that? I love her like a sister and I thought you did to!" Tsubaki yelled as she stormed into Souls room.

"SOUL! Why? Why? Why?" Tsubaki said on the verge of tears. "Why what?" Soul asked confused. "How could you date Maka already?" Tsubaki asked crying. "That's betrayal Soul." Tsubaki said shaking her head in disappointment. "She wanted me to move on to Maka." Soul said rolling his eyes. "She told me." Soul said. "Soul! She doesn't want you with Maka you jerk! She said that cause she wanted you to be happy Soul! She really doesn't want you to together. I would know! She's my best friend." Tsubaki said crying in her hands. "She, loves me?" Soul asked feeling bad. "How dumb are you?" Tsubaki said as she ran out of his room.

"Maka, we're defiantly not friends! You're such a terrible friend to (your name)! You can't be trusted." Tsubaki said shaking her head. "Tsubaki she's gone! You can't be mad at me because I loved him first! She's gone Tsubaki." Maka yelled. "I HATE YOU MAKA!" Tsubaki said yelling, running out of the house.

"Tsubaki, what's wrong?" Black Star asked Tsubaki concerned watching her cry. "Maka, it's Maka. Maka stole Soul, they're dating." Tsubaki said. "How could my best friend be such a player like that?" Black Star said clenching his fists. "Black Star I don't know anymore. Those to are so untrustworthy." Tsubaki said looking at him with sad eyes. "I'm here for you, let's just ignore those two." Black Star said lifting up Tsubaki and walking her home.

"BLACK STAR!" Death the Kid yelled to Black Star from a distance. "Hey Kid." Black Star said sad. "What's wrong with you two?" Kid asked looking confused. "Soul and Maka are dating already." Black Star said folding his arms shaking his head. "WHAT TERRIBLE FRIENDS!" Kid yelled. "Black Star if you would excuse me I have a verry important talk to have. Liz Patty come." Kid said walking off

Kid barged into Souls house and yelled, "SOUL, MAKA ITS IMPORTANT!" "What is it?" They asked holding hands. "You both are dirty garbage who deserves to die. Soul, (your name) is prettier than Maka. Maka, back off! Soul is (your name)! You can't just take him." Kid yelled. "Don't expect to her from me Liz or Patty any time soon." Kid said as him Liz and Patty walked off angrily.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Where stories live. Discover now