Forever and Always

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You looked out your window and smiled. "Oh Soul, I know we're far but we always have each other. I'll feel your pain, and you'll feel mine. I love you Soul, and I always will. I'm yours Soul, forever and always."

Thinking about Soul brought tears to your eyes. The dream has disappeared by now, but you still think about it. It hurts you to think of the past but you still do. You and Soul.

"If only I was with you looking at the moon with you at that park. Cuddling you, that time was perfect. I'd do anything to be with you again Soul. I'll see you again, I know it. I'm not gone forever." You said somehow hoping he could hear you.

You knew Soul couldn't hear you but you hoped. "Please stay out of trouble Soul until I get back." You whispered to yourself giggling. "I miss you." You said touching your window softly.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Where stories live. Discover now