First Hour

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You were sick of your parents house and you just had to see Soul, Tsubaki, Maka, and all the rest. You knew the walk was going to take a really long time but you didn't care. "He's worth it." You said walking and walking.

You kinda didn't know where you were. You thought the place you were walking looked familiar but you weren't sure. You were glad there was houses around because you didn't bring any money or food or a tent. All you brought was a couple suit cases.

You were really tired that night because it was late and you were walking. You knocked on the first house you saw. "Hello ma'am, I'm traveling far and I was wondering if you would let me sleep here tonight?" You said smiling. "My kids are precious to me get away or I'm calling the cops." She yelled. "Ma'am I understand. Good bye." You said sadly walking off.

You walked to the next house and knocked. "Hey." The old mann said with a creepy smile. "NEVERMIND!" You yelled running down the stairs. "Mann that dude was a creep." You said to yourself looking back at the house.

Walking to the next house took half an hour. You've been outside at night walking for and hour by now and you were so tired. "Hello, I was wondering if you would let me stay here tonight. You see I'm traveling kinda far and I have nothing for shelter." You said hoping they would say yes. "Yes! You can we would love to have you come on in." The woman said. "Our house is open for you whenever." The man standing next to her said. "Thank you so much!" You said walking into their house.

Soul Eater Evans X Reader: Without You (part2)Where stories live. Discover now