chapter 1

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"Lily wake up" I hear my mother's voice getting closer and closer, I lightly cover my face with blankets. I wanted to stay in bed for another four hours, maybe days.

After a long summer, I had absolutely no desire to go to that horrible place. Where I had to review all my classmates but especially my boyfriend.


During the summer we moved away a lot, well maybe it was the fault of both of us but he did not have to treat me like it did.
After all that has happened I have not seen it again, it will be three weeks since we have not seen and hear each other.

So many times I wanted to call him, to clarify, but every time there was something that blocked me.

"Lily, my goodness, do you want to get up? You'll be late for your first day of school" with a snap my mother opens the windows and then takes off the covers off me.
"Okay, I'm coming." I snort, putting on my slippers and then going to the bathroom.

a new year begins
As soon as I arrive at the entrance, I recognize many people, I try to avoid them and I walk slowly towards the garden.
I lean against a wall and without showing up I take a cigarette and turn it on.

Another year of shit
I think to myself.

I look carefully at all those who pass, they seem happy. Some are kissing, others are arguing while others ...

Oh God

I realize that Evan was coming to my side, I immediately throw the cigarette to the ground and take off my headphones.

"Evan, how are you? You look fit," I tell him with a smile
"I'm fine and you?" I try to look away from his eyes.
"I wanted to talk to you," he says, taking my hand.
"Maybe later, you know I have to go," I look up at the entrance as he nods.
"okay see you later"

I literally run away from that embarrassing situation and then go to my class.
As always, I take a seat near the window, waiting for my friend Jessica to arrive. In the meantime, I copy some notes I had left.

Good morning super friend "with a huge smile Jessica slings over me hugging me tightly.
"I missed you" leaves so many kisses on the cheek and then mess my hair.
"So with Evan?"


I don't  know Jess, you know I love him- "
"I was sick, this summer without him ..." I move my eyes to the other side. Observing outside the school.
"I know baby, but I think he is in love with you"

"I hope so"

Our conversation is interrupted as soon as we see the principal come in accompanied by a woman.
As always we stand up to greet.

"Good morning guys, first of all I wish you a good school year, but today I am here to announce that unfortunately Professor March is gone, so Professor Ms. Paulson will accompany you throughout the year. "

The new teacher immediately puts her things on the desk. Sh had blonde hair, she was tall enough and slender. Unfortunately I could not see the color of her eyes, maybe brown.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ms. Paulson, I hope we can do great things together, I can be very disponible if you let me, but it's better not to make me angry"

Wow. I like it

I don't know why but I find myself smiling at her, it seemed such a spontaneous gesture.
Not to mention that she was really a beautiful woman, maybe I should say girl. It did not look so old.

"Well, if you have no questions, let's start with the presentations"

"I like Ms. Paulson." Jess approaches me whispering these things.
"yeah i like her too"

finally had arrived our turn, as soon as my best friend ends up talking I stand up.

"I am Lily Rabe, I am 17 years old and I love listening to music but above all I love reading, my favorite color is purple and I have a passion for horses, my favorite subject is English."
When I finish my speech, I realize that she is smiling.

She is so beautiful

"Well then I'm honored to be an English teacher "she throws me a little indiscreet wink from everyone.

I feel the face go on fire, I do not even know why but I really need to rinse my face.

I'm going crazy.

The lesson ended quickly enough, the time with her seemed to go so fast. From time to time I stopped to watch her, her movements, the way she spoke slowly. Everything was perfect.

She is perfect

All right, Lily, maybe it's better if I'm going to eat something. Together with Jess we move towards the canteen, where unfortunately I meet my boyfriend.

"Then can we talk?" Despite his voice being so close at the same time, it seemed to be so far away.
"Okay" after taking my favorite dish I sit at the table with other friends.

"I know I was wrong Lily, it was a bad time but I know that this does not justify what I did " takes a little break and then start again

"I ... I love you and I'm so sorry I'll do everything to make up for it, please forgive me"
I turn towards him, staring at him for a few seconds.

"Okay, you're forgiven, but you have to regain my trust" without even thinking about that phrase involuntarily comes out of my mouth.

I'm fucked.

"Thanks Lily, I love you" leaves me a small kiss, and finally my heart beats regularly.


It was still an hour to finish that blessed day. I found myself outside in the courtyard sitting on the same wall this morning.
I was avoiding the chemistry lesson, I hate everything about that subject, not to mention the professor.


"You know smoking is not allowed?" a voice so familiar I feel behind me.
"Well I have to distract myself somehow" I keep looking into her eyes

I was right

"For this time I will not say anything, but be careful because you could meet other professors" sits next to me, even though I was close I could hear her delicious smell.
"I know, do you want?" I tell her, offering one.
"It's forbidden," she repeats with an ironic tone
"Respecting the rules is boring, especially if you never break them"
"Ah, so you're giving me boring?" she tells me, taking the package I had in my hands.
"to the devil"

Involuntarily, I smile at her. A sincere smile full of joy.
This year will be better, I feel it.


Hello everybody, this is a new fanfic, I hope you like it. Sorry for the errors but I'm not English soo..

Ms. Paulson || raulson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora