Chapter 15

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Unfortunately, the trip to Italy was over, exactly at this moment I find myself in front of my house, since Jessica's mother had accompanied me.

It was beautiful, fun but especially hard, I became aware of sensations that I didn't even think of trying anymore. I argued, I cried but the most important thing was the moment when Sarah declared herself.

That was unique

Now it's all over, I'm back to everyday life..full of stress.
I wanted to leave, and for a while stay away from home, I wanted to be with her .. pass some real moments together, as a couple maybe?

Now are we engaged then?

Suddenly my mother's screams make me scared and as a result make me go back to reality.

"Lily you're back" I quickly see her advancing towards me and then hug me
"I'm here" I keep trying to detach myself
"How are you? All right?" she grabs my hand to take me to the kitchen where I find myself almost all gathered together.


"You came back, you could stay there" says my brother Michael, starting to push me
"Lily I see you fit" my father tightens me tight and then leave a light kiss on the forehead.

What is going on?
Why all this sudden affection?

"What do you have all?" then I ask in a moment of silence
"There's something we need to talk to you about" the tone of my father's voice becomes more serious

I'm scared

"Your grandmother Ellis left us last night" the world collapses on me.

Before I realize what he had just said, some tears fall unintentionally. I really didn't know what to say, she was everything to me .. my second mother. The person who raised me ... who supported me in every decision.

How can these things happen?

I can't believe a word of it all, I can't think of a life without my grandmother.

"Lily are you okay?" my mother approaches me to try to reassure me
"I- I have to go and rest" these are the only things that come out of my mouth.

I wanted to say a lot more ... very much. But there was nothing to do but to cry. At least right now.
The alarm continues to play repeatedly without stopping, but every time I punctually shut it off. I had absolutely no desire to go to school, especially to see my classmates.

I'm torn

This night was very hard, the more I thought of my grandmother, the more I cried like a child. It may sound like a stupid thing, but she was my point of reference at all times.

she always was there

"Lily get up" the touch of my mother over my shoulder makes me nervous
"I don't want" I say putting a pillow over my head
"I know it's hard, but life goes on"
"Enough mum please" to hear those things made me a stomach ache, so I decided to get up to get ready.

I absolutely didn't want to go to school, so I decide to wear a simple overalls and a black T-shirt. I leave the hair loose in my natural way.

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