chapter 4

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Finally Wednesday had arrived, I felt a strange feeling in the stomach, I was happy but at the same time agitated. All this for a simple lesson by Ms.Paulson.

Since she came into my life, everything seems different, sometimes I feel so happy just thinking of seeing her that my heart beats unconditionally.

She is really a good person and certainly she is very beautiful, I would just like to be her friend.
Maybe I need it, she ... she seems so helpful and kind.

As my thoughts continue to wander suddenly I clash against someone, I look better and I realize that it is Evan.

"Good morning honey" slowly approaches me kissing me
"Evan Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask him, resuming the walk
"I was walking ... well-"
"what?" I urge him to continue while his face becomes paler
"Actually I was coming to your house, I ... I think we should break up"

Suddenly I stop walking, a thousand different thoughts begin to buzz for the head.



I don't even know what I feel inside of me, my stomach is in total turmoil. Should not I be happy? Basically I was planning to leave it, but now everything seems so confusing.
I try to think about it for a moment but without realizing it, a tear runs down my face.

"I'm sorry Lily, I feel it's the right thing" slowly his hand strokes my face
"okay" I say, drying my face
"Excuse me" before he leaves he hugs me again.

A hug that meant a lot to me, although in the end I wanted to leave him but now I'm in pieces.
We have been together for almost two years, I practically grew up with him, I was a simple child and now ..

Now everything is blurred.

Well, but at the bottom of my heart was not this what I wanted?
"Hi guys, today we question" for the first time in two weeks, in which I knew Ms. Paul, her voice was so distant that it did not even seem to reach my ears.

"But first I tell you the groups that have formed"

Suddenly I raise my head from the desk as I hear my name being called.

"what?" I ask, confused
"Ms.Rabe you are with Emma, ​​Taissa and Ross, in my group" I try to avoid her gaze, I'm sure she would have asked a thousand questions if she had seen my red eyes.
"Okay" I nod, returning to the position just before.

The lesson passes quickly, I collect my things and immediately put them in the backpack and then head to the canteen. As soon as I pass the desk, a hand suddenly stops my wrist.

"Lily what's up?" inevitably my eyes collide in hers. A thousand different emotions are created in me.

Perhaps for the first time on this shitty day I feel a little better, relieved I would say.

"I'm fine," I say, still looking at her hand that held me tight
"I would not say, your eyes speak, did something happen in the family?" involuntarily, a slight smile appears on my mouth, the way she worried about me made me feel safe and protected.

"It's nonsense" I continue resolutely
"Then tell me" finally she lets go, she gives me a little gesture to approach me and makes me sit next to her.
I wait a few seconds before talking, basically I do not know her so well. Why should I tell her what happens in my life?
Despite this I don't know why but her eyes convey sincerity.

"Evan left me" I take a little break and then continue:
"Actually I'm not bad because he left me, it's been a long time since I felt the need to detach myself ..." I suddenly look up. Her eyes are fixed on mine, again a thousand emotions are unleashed inside me.
"I've been with him for almost two years, he practically raised me, I was a little girl" I say ironically, thinking back in time
"He was my point of reference, even though we've moved away recently, he was the only one I could trust" as soon as I finish telling her what happened, she hugs me.

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