chapter 13

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Exactly two days had passed, two more were missing, and then we would be back in New York. Now I can no longer stay here, I seem to suffocate .. since Sarah and I don't talk to each other I can't even go on with my life. Although she had hurt me, I would like to have her here close to me, I would like to do a lot of things with her .. but now...

It was all her fault, she decided to make that gesture ... to kiss her. And I like a fool who continues to be bad. It hurts me to hear her talk, laugh, joke.

Why is she not hurt in my same way?

These are just demonstrations, she used me ... I don't know for what purpose but she did it. But if she really cared about me, as she said, she would do anything to make it clear with me. She always lied.


"Dinner out today" Taissa enters the room happly, then closing the door
"Why?" I ask puffing
"Ms.Paulson and Ms. Taylor have just decided, I'm happy to have them as teachers"
"Yes, of course" I say laughing at how funny her statement was
"Get ready soon we'll go out, also Dylan is coming," she says with a mischievous look

I knew what she was referring to, but I was absolutely not in the mood ..

She closes herself in the bathroom to start preparing, but I head a second in the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As soon as I go in, I find them two sessions at the table that spoke very softly, for not even a second cross the look of Sarah.

I didn't want to cry right in front of her..them.

"Let's get out Lily tonight," Ms.Taylor tells me, lightly touching my shoulder
"I know" I say grumpily, removing myself from her touch
"Don't answer your teacher badly"

I only needed her

Sarah defending her new girlfriend ...

Instead of getting angry even more I decide not to give any rope to either, I take the glass and go back to my room where I start to make myself beautiful.

I had to spend a nice evening, instinct Taissa was right. I had to distract myself with someone and someone not better than Dylan?
"You're beautiful",  my friend scream, looking at me in the way I dressed

I wore a tight black short dress, which stood out my shapes, but open in the chest and with not too high red heels. The hair instead I had left them normal, not even the plate, they were curly.

"Now let's go" Taissa shakes my hand and then we go out of the hotel where there was an appointment with some of our friends.

"Lily wow" Jess and Emma as soon as they see me they start screaming and smiling
"Too many compliments make me embarrassed" I say, covering myself with my hands.

We all started together outside the building, just there they were. I try to look at Sarah without her noticing and wearing a simple red dress with black heels ... it almost seems like a coincidence.

I dressed in black with red heels and she dressed in red with black heels ..

For a few seconds she turns around and unfortunately our eyes meet. It seemed like years passed since how long I had not felt so strong and profound.

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