chapter 10

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It was night, maybe two or three o'clock. But I couldn't fall asleep despite last night I slept a few hours. I keep looking at her while she keeps her eyes closed, everything seems so surreal ..

We kissed

And it was so good that I can't stop smiling, I can still feel her lips resting on mine ... a feeling that words can't even be explained.

I really think there is no simple friendship between me and her.

This time everything seems different, when I was with Evan my days weren't like that. I didn't want to hear him at any moment, sometimes it bothered me even when in front of the others he kissed me ... and now? Now I would like to do all of this, but with her.

I like her

It's not a passing thing, it could be like that, but inside me I feel something is coming ... something unique and special.

Just like Sarah.

But now it's up to me to think about the consequences, but first it's better if I go to sleep a bit.

I need it.
"Good morning angel" I hear her hoarse voice that makes me room in my ear.

I wait a few seconds before understanding where I was, but especially with who I was.
So immediately as soon as I wake up, a smile appears on my face.

"Good morning Sarah" I repeat smiling

Even if we weren't talking, none of us could say a word, there was a comforting silence. Our eyes were chained, the more I looked at her, the more I felt my heart warm.

"How did you sleep tonight?" then she asks me, looking from my face
"Well, thank to you" I say, raising my lips slightly upward
"Lily we have to talk" suddenly the tone of her voice becomes deeper.

I'm scared.

I'm really dying from fear, I just hope she doesn't want to get away from me again. I can't stand the fact of being without her, I try to calm down but I can't.

What if she wants to tell me that we can't see each other anymore?


Why am I so stupid? Why did I kiss her ?!

"You know it's wrong, aren't you?" she asks me standing up
"I know," I say, looking down
"It was beautiful, but despite this I think we shouldn't continue this thing" her words die in her mouth, in fact she starts to cry.

I'm about to collapse

"Sarah I can't, not this time, I feel that without you I can't live, I know you have a job, you're good, but above all you're bigger than me but please ... don't go away again" all I say it's all true, my heart is about to break.

It's all in her hands

"Lil listen to me" slowly takes my hands, squeezes them and starts talking.

I can't look at her

"In this last time I was really good with you, you're special and deserve every good thing in life, I promise you I will not go, I'll be there, whatever happens ... But just like a friend ... I'm sorry but I can't continue whatever it is "I know I should be happy, on one hand she is telling me that she will not go away.

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