Chapter 2.

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Previously: Izuku: hey Itsuka would you like to go out with me sometime?

Itsuka: I'd love too.

After exchanging contact info izuku yelled into the sky YAHOOOOO! As he drove away

Chapter 2 start
After izuku drove away from Itsukas house it was only 10 minutes away from where he lived by the time he got home it was 4:10pm. The second Izuku stepped foot inside his apartment his phone began to blow up with messages and missed calls many of the messages left were from Class 1-A Izuku didnt feel like dealing with them so he ignored their messages. A new text message had appeared it was from Itsuka

Itsuka: Hey Izuku are you busy the day after tomorrow?

Izuku: Hey Itsuka no i dont believe im busy why is something wrong?

Itsuka: no nothing is wrong i thought we could go out on a date the day after tomorrow.

Izuku: id like that so ill see you the day after tomorrow. Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go?

Itsuka: Yeah how about a picnic on the beach?

Izuku: great ill see you the day after tomorrow ill pick you up at noon.

Once izuku and Itsuka agreed on time all they had to do was wait. Izuku was still upset that his birthday was pretty shitty until the doorbell rang. Once again Izuku opened the door to see another postman

Postman: Are you Izuku Midoriya?

Izuku: Yes i am how may i help you?

Postman: Ive got a package that requires your signature.

Izuku again signed wondering from who it could be from and he read the shipping lable "From Mei Hatsume" Izuku remember Mei who joined his calvery team during the sports festival. Izuku proceeded to open the package he saw there was a note neatly folded so he decided to read it.

Dear Midoriya, First off I'd like to wish you a happy birthday and for your present i give to you these new babies that ive specially created just for you.

Dear Midoriya, First off I'd like to wish you a happy birthday and for your present i give to you these new babies that ive specially created just for you

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These new babies will help you get stronger ive designed these weights to get heavier and heavier as you get comfortable with the weight

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These new babies will help you get stronger ive designed these weights to get heavier and heavier as you get comfortable with the weight. Ive included two sets of arm weights so you can put one set of them on your legs. If you're wondering how I got your address and date of birth I hack the school system found your file and decided to make something for your birthday- from Mei Hatsume.

This birthday turned out pretty good considering everyone of his friends Ignored him and wasn't invited to Momo's summer bash. After All this Izuku's phone was still getting blown up by everyone from 1-A.

Three hours later it was now 7:00pm Izuku's birthday was drawing to an end. Inko had just returned home from work and with her she carried a small box that had a Mustafa bakery on it.

Inko: Izuku im home!

As izuku went the entrance of his home to greet his mother though it was late Izuku still got a cake Inko prepaed the cake with the candles she was about to light them when a knock was at the door of their home.

As Izuku opened the door he saw Rikkido Sato, Tokoyami Fumikage and Ojiro Mashirao at the moment Izuku was confused as to why they weren't at Momos Summer bash.

Tokoyami/ Ojiro/ Sato: Happy birthday Izuku Midoriya!!

Izuku: Hey guys thanks but not to sound rude but why are you here?

Tokoyami: I saw on facebook it was your birthday i saw the invite to the party i was going to accept but it said that the event was cancelled. I was able to get the address and see if youre okay. I would have been here sooner but I had some Family business to take care of.

Sato: I just came back from the countryside i had pretty bad cell reception on the train ride back i saw the invite. I clicked the invite but same as Tokoyami it said the event was cancelled. When i got home i began to bake multiple things for your party.

Ojiro: Hoestly i just bumped into them and asked where they were off to. I just came back from a training that ended today

Izuku:  so you guys didn't know about Momo's big party?

The three of them were genuinely confused as the 4 of them weren't invited to the summer bash. Izuku then invited them in and Izuku called out to his mom "Mom we're having three guests'"

It had seem like forever since Izuku invited friends over Inko was glad that Izuku had reliable friends by his side. They all enjoyed the cake and food that was served it wasn't until sato spoke.

Sato: Excuse me Ms. Midoriya would it be possible for us to take Izuku out for the rest of the night we'd like for him to enjoy the rest of his birthday.

Inko: Sato-kun thank you just make sure you guys dont do anything crazy please. Izuku happy birthday im off to bed i work really early tomorrow let me know when you come home.

Izuku and the guys walked out and a Izuku asked the question " so where are we heading to first?" Sato replied with " its paint ball time" This got Izuku really excited he always wanted to try paintball this is where Tokoyami threw his two cents in.

Tokoyami: the paintball place is pretty far if we take the train we'd probably only make it in time for one round.

Izuku: who said anything about taking the train? Follow me

As they followed Izuku they were awestruck with what he showed them.

As they followed Izuku they were awestruck with what he showed them

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Izuku: Tonight we roll in style.

( Hey guys here is another update hope you enjoy let me know what you think.)

Birthday Gift continuedWhere stories live. Discover now