Chapter 11

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It was the week after the challenge 1-A thought that the condition that Izuku set was a bluff. When the 15 remaining members of 1-A arrived they were all grabbed and tossed off the school premises. During this time Koji Koda had just returned from visiting his sick grandparents he had no knowledge of what happened during his time away.

The second he tried to enter the school Present Mic grabbed him and tossed him where the others had landed. As Koda was flying through the air he heard present Mic yell "Sorry nothing personal!"

Mic: Hey Shota was that kid here yesterday?

Aizawa: no he wasn't.

Thats when it hit him Aizawa received two calls from two families who called to say that they were going to miss the first day back due to family issues. The two families were Koji Koda and Aoyama Yuuga it had slipped his mind since those two were easily forgotten due to not standing out too much.

As Aoyama approached the school gates with gifts from France for everyone in his class he was stopped by Aizawa who then told him " Sorry Aoyama but class 1-A is suspended for 3 weeks if you want to know why ask your classmates"

As Aizawa pointed to a pile of class 1-A students Aoyama was confused but then before he went to meet them he handed Aizawa a bottle of cologne called Drakkar Noir as Aizawa sprayed some on he liked the scent of it.

Aoyama: Bonjour everyone ive returned so can you tell me why we're suspended?

Koda could only nod in agreement because he was also confused as to why he was thrown out before getting a proper explanation.

Momo: We were suspended because of a bet we made with Midoriya. The bet was if Midoriya, Sato, Tokoyam, Ojiro and Shoji could beat us we would get suspended.

Aoyama: Why would Midoriya make a bet like this?

Momo: Its because those 5 aren't part of 1-A anymore.

Aoyama: What happened while we were away?

(Long recap explained)

Once both Aoyama and Koda realized why the 5 transfered out the two were upset with class 1-A. They were upset that even being associated with them had the two feel miserable.

Aoyama: Did any of you bother to send a birthday message?

Everyone looked at Aoyama confused then the reality set in nobody bothered to send him a birthday message.

Katsuki: I sent him one but told him that said " nobody's going to your party faggot"

Everyone was disgusted with Katsuki but most of all they were dissapointed in themselves for completely ignoring izuku and not even sending a simple message saying Happy birthday. Then everyone saw the basket of gifts Aoyama had then Ochako asked

Ochako: Are those gifts for us?

Aoyama: they were but none of you deserve these gifts you all dont deserve them.

Koda: You know being the silent one I'm usually forgotten but you all make me sick. Midoriya has helped each of you out yet you ignored him you're all worse than insects.

After talking they noticed classes were let out early and it was also Friday. When Izuku and his boys walked out they had planned to have guys night friday Saturday would be the massive group date.

Just as the guys were about to get in Izuku's car Izuku heard his name being called "Monsieur Midoriya" as Izuku turned he saw both Aoyama and Koda approach him then Izuku turned to his boys and asked " were they here yesterday?" As they all began to think then they came to the same conclusion " they weren't"

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