Random sad headcanons

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-The reason Koda Koji is so quiet is because he's insecure about his own voice. When he was much younger, around elementary school age, he was totally mute after some kids began to bully him. He and his mom learned sign language together and they always sign together in public.

-Jiro can often be seen with earbuds/phones in around the dorms. She's so used to hearing her dad's music on 24/7 that she misses it. Having his music on through the headset really puts her at ease and makes her feel homely.

-Aizawa developed insomnia, PTSD being a product as well, his first year being a underground hero. He witnessed some things that normal heroes don't normally see. He often sees a therapist twice a week, if things are busy with work, once.

-**(this one goes along with a story I'm writing so don't mind me)**Enji was actually very reclusive growing up, much like Shoto, except he was more in the background. It wasn't until his last year in UA that his anger broke him and lashed out, only once though. He wasn't ever known for just bullying or fighting someone but he was known for having the ability to, which is what made him a nightmare to his classmates.

-Toshinori grew up with a single hardworking father, his mother passing when he was just young. Its why he's such a kind and gentle man, because his own father would've sacrificed anything to help his own son.

-Uraraka feels guilty for her reasoning behind wanting to be a hero and often times finds herself talking about it with Hizashi(Present Mic). He reassures her that its an okay reason, that everyone has an outlandish reason. No matter how many times he tells her this, she still has a tinge of guilt, doubt even.

-Eri used to sleep and hide away in her dark bedroom, barely ever turning the lights on. Even though she felt used to the dark, turns out she's more scared of it. She gets anxious in the dark and soon feels nauseous. Aizawa bought her a couple cat shaped nightlights and some glow in the dark star stickers for the ceiling.

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