Random ones I found scattered around in G-docs

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-Best Jeanist does charity balls/events for a lot of different causes- mainly for childrens' hospitals or to cure a disease. He also often visits those hospitals with a sidekick or two to say hi to the kids.

-Bakugou likes to watch scary movies a lot, but he always becomes slightly paranoid for a couple hours afterwards. Now that he's at the dorms, he calls his mom or dad and aggressively asks them for comfort.

-Kirishima doesn't know he's related to Crimson Riot. He's his grandfather. Its just now that he's retired he no longer takes his old visage of Crimson Riot, especially since the majority of his hair has grayed. Crimson does feel honoured that his own grandson is a big fan of his though. He just won't tell the kid he is Crimson Riot because he just hasn't been reffered to as such since his early 40's.

-Vlad King's dog is a English Bulldog whom he cleverly named "Bull."

-Bakugou needs glasses but refuses to tell his parents and doctor. Why? He doesn't want to become his father.

(Just a quick bit of Hisashi Midoriya HCs, I think I have more buried in my docs but idk??)

-Izuku's father, Hisashi Midoriya, officialy left when he was 6, aka when Inko told him the boy was quirkless.

-Hisashi is a small time, petty villain, seen more as a drug store criminal than a bank robbery criminal. He barely ever did big crimes because his "villain career" kicked off just after meeting Inko.

-He and Inko are still married. Inko just doesn't know where he really is to send off the divorce papers. She also doesn't have any evil of her own to just send those papers off.

-Izuku has no idea that Hisashi is a criminal.

-All For One is Hisashi's father, Izuku's grandfather. Hisashi was a "failed attempt" at what AFO was planning which is actually why he had desperately seeked out Tenko Shimura(Shigaraki).

(Okay that's all the Hisashi HCs I have. I added the last two on from what I originally had.)

(Some Thirteen HCs based off of my casual Thirteen design.)

-Thirteen has to wear thick gloves and a helmet with their casual wear. The gloves are to give off the comfort that they are controlling their quirk(think Elsa and "conceal, don't feel") and the helmet is to further prevent any more black hole accidents.

-When they're unconscious/asleep their quirk us basically shut off.

-Blackhole wares down on their joints and muscles, and has actually caused them to develop Carpal tunnel in both hands.

-They have a large scar going from their left [facial] cheek down to their arm and finally down their side, caused by the USJ.

-Their eyes are so brown that they seem pitch black, and their sclera(white part of the eye) is deep black, much like a blackhole.

-Also because of the USJ, they have PTSD. Its not uncommon for heroes to develop PTSD but with rescue specialty heroes it is seen as rare.

(And thats all the Thirteen HCs I have.)

-Nemuri used to have a YouTube channel. It was just one video of her drawing a dick on her parents' bathroom mirrior with bright red lipstick. It was a minute and half long with her father walking in at the end, then slowly walking out, not wanting to know what his child was doing.

-Aizawa has a morbid sense of humor that he uses to take the edge off of his traumas.

-Taishiro(Fatgum) used to feel bad about his quirk. He had Body Dysmorphia at a young age but got over it by the time he decided to be a hero.

-Tokoyami had a love-hate relationship with Dark Shadow when he was younger- literally! He and DS actually used to verbally fight, much like siblings would. He is an only child but, in a way, DS is his sibling.

-Momo has Russian blood in her; her grandfather is Russian and her grandmother is Japanese. Its why she had taken a liking to matryoshka dolls when she was little, she saw them everywhere in her grandparents' home.

-Kaminari likes to make people laugh, especially his friends!

-Ashido used to not be able to actually touch people. Her quirk was uncontrollable as a kid that she couldn't even hold her parents' hands. She learned to control it better by the time she was 7.

-Emi(Ms. Joke) is bisexual but does have a preference for men more.

-Snipe is Afro-Asian, just a little light skinned.

-Hizashi owns heelys.

(Sparkle boi HCs incoming!!)

-Aoyama is half French, however, his mother was born and raised in Japan rather than France.

-Although, his oldest ancestry nearing the time of when quirks manifested is Chinese. Its not widely known, but that ancestor was the first known baby to have a quirk!

-He has an older sister who's rarely around anymore due to living in France. He doesn't talk about her much because why talk about her when he could talk about himself?

-He has a strict diet consisting of none of your business and croissants.

-He once dressed as a disco ball for Halloween.

I still haven't finished going through my docs. I found a couple old essays from last year when I was still in school. One of them being one about my many, many, MANY medical problems. I read some of it. I forgot that some of that shit is the reason I hurt sometimes. I'm a fuckin' mess y'all.

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