Monoma Neito, Kendo Itsuka, Tetsutetsu×2

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-He has ADHD and anything sugary can make it worse, especially when he's off his medicine.

-He likes French cuisine because his mother used to go to Paris a lot, and often times she'd take him with her.

-He has his mother's quirk; copy.

-His father is actually quirkless.

-His mother works as a runway model, to which she travels a lot for. She's hardly home but always videos her son and brings him gifts home.

-His father is a small time actor trying to make it big. Because his wife is never home, he cheats and drinks behind her back. Monoma is often caught in the cross fires due his dad always blaming him for his failing career, saying he was a mistake.

-His parents are "highschool sweethearts".... Uh, minus the sweethearts.... They married very young(both 17) only because Monoma came into the picture.

-The only thing Monoma can really focus on completely is when he's planning things, such as strategies and even fighting combos. He's learned to be quick about it because his quirk's time limit. He feels as though he's a functional kid without ADHD when he's hunched over his desk with a pencil in hand and one his many strategy notebooks in front of him.

-He likes a lot of French foods, yeah, but not escargot. He was 9 when his mom got him to try it. He really hated it.

-He speaks French and a little bit of Italian as well. He actually just learned them for fun. Dispite being multilingual, he has a tough time learning English; there, their, they're!? What even!?

-He releases his pent up energy on his schoolmates since he's always alone otherwise.

-His favorite animal? The chameleon of course!

-He can't help that he's loud and obnoxious, he just hasn't taken his medicine since moving into the dorms.

-His biggest dream? Grow a moustache better than Present Mic.

-Mmh... He fuckin' gay.


-Her first career choice was to join the military, like her mama once was in, but then she saw Uwabami on tv for the first time and changed her mind.

-She has two mothers; Mama and Mimi. Mama is her biological mother, her father just a selected doner.

-Her mama's quirk is Elasticity; her bones and flesh are very flexible(its exactly like Ralph Dibny's, aka Elongated man, power). Her Mimi's is Scaredy-cat; she can access the amygdala(nuclei in the temporal lobe) and single out the target's pure fear and use it to her advantage.

-Mama works as a lawyer, formally in the air force(onky for 2 years), and Mimi is a long time motorcycle retailer.

-She learned to pin a person down in one fell swoop from Mimi. Said it was a useful life lesson.

-She's both girly and boyish, a tomboy if you will!

-She earned her black belt in karate when she was 12, after that she wanted to learn boxing. ....shes still waiting for those boxing lessons Mimi!

-She's an only child and has always wanted a brother or sister.

-She met Monoma in her last year of middle school, after she had transferred from a different school because of bullying. Not saying she was bullied, or that she was the bully, but yeah... Her Mimi threatened three students and the principal.

-Monoma is her stupid school brother that she secretly wishes was her real brother.

-Sexually attracted to pans.


-His ring tone has been the Iron man theme for 5 years now. It hasn't been changed at all.

-His parents are happily divorsed. He lives with his dad and younger brother. He has a half sister and technically a step father?

-Has his father's quirk, basically the same thing just slightly weaker. His mom's is Copper stomp; she can turn her feet into copper. That's it dudes. The shows over, go home.

-Has he once tried swimming and activating his quirk? Yes. Yes he has. He almost drowned.

-Concussion tracker: 56 and counting.

-Once tried to eat a solid brick of iron. Almost broke a tooth.

-He's the only one in his family with insane eyelashes. They've tried trimming them but Tetsu puts up a fight every time.

-Has once eaten an entire case of spinach to see how strong he could get. Was laid up in bed for an entire week.

-Has a guinea pig named Riot. She's a long haired piggy and he likes to make her hair look pretty.

-Owns a Wii and Wii Sports. Says its a fighting game... A fight for his fitness.

-He collects shiny pieces of metal because they're pretty- uh cool. Pretty cool.

-He is not allowed in a pool because of what he once tried to do.

-He's in bro with Kirishima.

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