Tensei/Tenya Iida

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My HC Iida family

There's an older brother, Tensei, a set of twins(one boy, one girl), and finally Tenya.

That's all the Iidalings.


-He used to wear reading glasses in junior high but his eyes got better as he got older.

-He and Nemuri had known each other since they were 6!

-He likes the really old anime like Megaman and even Sailor Moon.

-Used to know how to skateboard, forgot by the time he became a hero. He would use his quirk to go faster. Not a responsible thing to do but, hey, he's friends with Nemuri.

-He met Hizashi in middle school.

-He did dumb things as a kid. Really dumb things.

-He was always stuck babysitting Tenya because he just doesn't know how to say no.

-Once tried to outrun a NASCAR race car. He failed.

-Went back and tired to use a scooter against it. Again, he failed.

-He wanted to name his quirk Elbow Power.

-"Eblow Deep" is his stripper name because he fell into the park pond and said "Nemuri, I am fucking elbow deep right now!" She took it in an inappropriate way and he hasn't been able to live it down since.

-Once shoved a brownie in one of his engines for safe keeping. He was 5.

-Also put a button or two in there.

-A picture of Tenya as well. He was actually 23 when that happened.

-He's not allowed to, but he drinks soda and energy drinks regularly. The carbonation can stall his engines but he's careful with how much he drinks a day.

-His phone background is Tenya in a sonic costume from Halloween. Tenya was 13.

-He has a tattoo of all his (immediate) family members' names on his shoulder.

-Secretly wants a Megaman tattoo sleeve.


-Once tried to drink an entire can of gasoline. Thought he would run faster. He was 8, okay!?

-Watches a lot of vintage anime.

-He's the only one in his family who wears glasses. Well okay, besides his grandfather.

-Has always wanted a pet rabbit. Hasn't gotten one of his own yet, but Koda let's him go over to his dorm room for some much needed bunny snuggles.

-Raced a car once and won.

-The first day he started UA he almost called Aizawa "Uncle Shota", "Sho", and, his brother's personal favorite nickname, "Hobo Hecker". It took him every bit of self control not to call him Hobo Hecker.

-Owns over 100 pairs of glasses. ....oh wait you already knew that.

-Whe he was 7, his older sister left half a redbull on the kitchen counter. He wasn't seen for 12 hours.

-Somehow found himself in an abandoned warehouse with 4 bags of candy and.... Woody's head...?

-Apparently went to Disny World Japan but doesn't remember a thing.

-Wanted to be NASCAR when he grew up.

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