Some more really dumb AUs

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Blood brothers AU

Villian!Deku AU where instead of Touya(Dabi) completely running away Inko finds him and fosters/adopts him. Izuku and him become close brothers and would do anything to help each other. Basically, Touya is replacing Shoto with Izuku because he can actually interact with him any time he wants. And Izuku is just like around 7 or 9 years old so he's just cool with it.

Touya catches wind of Bakugou's escalating bullying(all the suicide wishes and such) and suddenly has the idea of how to get revenge on Bakugou for tormenting his little brother. He convinces Izuku to bring up his self esteem enough one day to go all out on Bakugou— with his big brother's help of course. So they both just want to scare but still hurt Bakugou and that's exactly what they do. Bakugou does recover, they only gave him a minor burn a couple bruises(Touya did most of the work while Izuku shouted at him). Bakugou tells his mom what happened after she had hounded him for the answer, and soon after shes driving to Inko's house and demanding for an apology. Inko doesn't believe that either of her sons would do such a thing but Mitsuki is convinced. Soon the neighbors call the police and Touya grabs Izuku and runs.

And so a year later, Touya and Izuku are far from home, living on the streets with new looks; Touya with black hair and Izuku with shorter hair dyed completely green(no darker spots). They're living their new lives, occasionally Touya would steal for Izuku without him knowing— and that's what gets Touya in trouble. So while Izuku is at the laundromat waiting for their clothes to dry, Touya is going to go pick up a couple drinks and snacks with what money they had left. He's counting his change and finds out he doesn't have enough for the bag of chips he and Izuku were going to share, so what does he do? He shoves the bag of chips up his hoodie, hoping the clerk doesn't notice.

So he's going up to the clerk and oh no, there's a pro hero in front of him in line! He's panicking because its a pro fucking hero! He can't have a run in with the law, he has to take care of his brother! He can't go back to Inko since he'd disappointed her and all! He's absolutely doomed!

Whilst panicking, he's noticed by the hero, Snatch, and he asks him whats wrong and if everything was okay. Whilst silently freaking out even more, the store's manager comes from the back and asks Touya to come with him. And sure, he does the intellectual thing; he runs. So he's running out of the store, blindly going in whatever direction his legs chose. Snatch is, of course, running after him. He's suspected of being a shoplifter, what else was he supposed to do? Hes running and running until he reaches the laundromat and yells for Izuku, saying its time to go. For a second Izuku argues and says the clothes isnt yet done and they'd be wasting their hard earned money. But Touya looks and sees Snatch heading for him at an alarming pace so he drops everything and grabs Izuku and dashes the hell out of there.

With Izuku finally cooperating, running through the streets on his own, Touya looks back and sees Snatch gaining on them. Without thinking, Touya uses his quirk. He doesn't know what happened himself but hes pretty sure he just killed a man. After that is a blur.

Theyre back at their secret hide out(its just an old allyway between two vacant buildings, one condemed and the other for sale) packing everything up to skip town. When they do, they find out that their faces are plastered everywhere on the news(a picture taken from both convinence store camera footage and laundromat camera footage). They try their best get around without being recognized and are pretty much successful until a shady guy bumps into them; Giran.

Giran talks to them and proposes a "get out of jail free card", seeing as Touya DEFIANTLY killed that hero— on accident by the way. But then Giran has a BETTER idea. He asked them both about their quirks. Izuku confesses hes quirkless and thats why Touya sticks by him since he has a strong quirk. Well Giran contemplates those answers and takes it as "we're sort of a package deal" and concludes that they're the guys he was looking for.

And so, he introduced them both to the league of villians.

Izuku attends UA's general course as a spy for the league. Like he's a "transfer". He has a whole new look(much shorter hair and dyed a darker green). He's only doing this because Touya, now being called Dabi as his new name— Deku is Izuku's(his choice not anyone else's, I know its uncreative)— says its their only chance of having a "normal" life since after what he's done.

Later down the line Dabi encounters Endeavor and feels the hatred bubbling up in himself and gets carried away. He confronts him and uses too much of his quirk and burns himself— luckily Kurogiri was nearby in case he screwed up and needed a quick exit, and exit he did provide. After that, being reminded of his actual family's history, he goes mad with overwhelming rage and sets out to kill Endeavor.

Revenge is what drives him until Stain comes into the picture and then both he and Izuku, MOSTLY Izuku, take up Stain's idiology.

Basically, all the running and the involvement of villainy has messed him up and he's started turning a blind eye towards heroes. He's pretty gullible since he's always relied on Touya the moment he met him but with Stain's idiology he feels like he can become his own person.

This is actually one of my favorite AUs I've come up with! Might never make a full fledged story on it but anyone here is free to make one all they like, no questions asked. Just if you do, credit me and show me!

A really dumb BNHA/Mp100 AU

Shigeo and Ritsu are Izuku's younger cousins that Inko take in so they can attend the middle school there.
Inko took them in when Shigeo was to go into his 2nd year of junior high(Ritsu his 1st year, then Izuku in his final year). Mr. and Mrs. Kageyama are still trying to raise more money to take care of their kids and move to the city so Inko decided to take them in while they worked hard to raise up money, they still visit twice every month though.

Shigeo wants to be a hero but feels like his quirk is too powerful and he'll do more harm than good so he's always suppressed his quirk. Ritsu was always thought to be quirkless but turns out he's just a late bloomer.

Shigeo and Izuku get along fine, but Ritsu just keeps to himself so they somewhat clash sometimes. Shigeo isn't a mega fan of All Might like Izuku is, he's more of a casual fan, but they still bond over their likeness for the hero. Izuku and Ritsu mainly study together(more like Ritsu tutors Izuku but shhh) so that's their bonding time.
Ritsu was the first to figure out Izuku's secret but has said nothing about it— he just purely doesn't care because it nothing bad or illegal, if it makes his cousin happy, he's happy. Shigeo on the other hand is very much clueless.

GramNana AU [Slight manga spoilers]

Basically Nana survived(barely). Her husband is still dead but she kept her son. So Nana is alive, she watches her disciple grow, she meets her first grandchild, then her second. Even though she survived AFO's fight she's on the down low and it works out well since she is quirkless now.

Tenko(Shigaraki) is a grandma's boy and a total sweetie. He's a big All Might fan and gets excited when he sees him(despite him actually KNOWING All Might personally, just not his identity[Toshinori Yagi]). He's still got the decaying quirk but he hardly ever uses it due to hating it.

In his 20's now, AM introduces Nana and Tenko to his new student Izuku. Tenko and Izuku get along pretty well, as much as a 20 year old and a 14 year old(when introduced) can get along. Nana approves of him and basically takes him in as her new grandson.

Thats about all I have for this AU lol

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