Just some random ones I guess??

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-Koda's bunny rabbit is his emotional support animal. He has social anxiety that he's been working on ever since he decided to go to UA and he has slight abandonment issues because of a past event in his home life. Before moving into the dorms his mom and his bunny would be his comfort for anxiety but now, since he is in the dorms, he spends most of his free time talking to his bunny and feeling better about himself and his surroundings.

-Jiro is afraid of thunder because of the vibrations and how amplified it is to her even without using her aux lobes. Her mom used to be this way when she was younger too, but eventually grew out of it of course, so usually she'd be there to comfort her to distract her from the loudness of the storm. But now since she's in the dorms she just hides and covers her ears and aux lobes and focuses on the melodic sound of her own heart which actually does calm her down somewhat.

-Yuu(Mt. Lady) has so many hair care sponsors that shes completely set for shampoo and conditioner for life. And quite frankly she's super fuck happy about that.

-Hawks once shed all his feathers off just so he could wear one of those "fairy wings" costume props for kids. He liked how shiny they were.

-Ojiro has a dog named Marshmallow. He tried sneaking him into the dorms. His caught him sadly.

-Kaminari taught All Might about dabbing and now he regrets it.

Eh thats all ¯\_(・ิL_・ิ)_/¯

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