Kirishima + other

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So I already talked about my biggest Kirishima HCs in previous chapters so I won't repeat them here. To compensate for my short Kirishima list, I will be including some KiriBaku and some Crimson Riot HCs.


-He has two younger half brothers; one by his father and one by his mother. One(mom's) is 11 and the other (dad's) is 4.

-His parents are divorced but both are happily married to other people. He has a nice step mom who gave him a great little brother. He's happy to call her his mother just as much as his biological mother. As for his step dad(?), he's equally happy to have him as he is very supportive! His parents separated when he was 3.

-He used to have a pet rat he named Pebbles! His father is allergic dogs and his step mom is allergic to cats so he settled for a rat. He wanted to be different from the kids in his class that had hamsters or guinea pigs.

-His quirk comes from his father but most of his features come from his mother. She has sharp teeth, black hair, and red eyes- all translating well into Kirishima. An additional feature is that she has a whip like tail but he doesn't. He does get his build from his father though.


-Bakugou won't admit it, but he REALLY loves it when Kirishima wears his hoodies or shirts. Because they usually have crude phrases or fire/explosion graphics they don't fit Kirishima's personality and he just makes the clothes look less intimidating.

-Bakugou doesn't wear Kirishima's clothes since all the guy has is either plain tees, plaid button downs, or hero themed hoodies. However there is this one very old Crimson Riot hoodie that Kiri hardly wears anymore that Bakugou has claimed as half his property. Because Kiri has had it for several years some holes have formed which as caused him to just stop wearing it from fear of further damaging it. Mina has told him that it gives off a bad-boy vibe because of the condition its in so when Bakugou wears it Kiri has this overwhelming opinion that Bakugou just looks so much cuter and better wearing it.

-Bakugou is a total ham for evening cuddles- specifically when he's the one being cuddled and having his hair played with. 90% of the time its Kirishima holding Bakugou in silence for a while, then Kirishima starts playing/brushing/or braiding his hair, and it always ends with them both falling asleep. The other 10% is when Kiri is cuddled and Bakugou puts something on for them to watch while his runs his fingers through Kiri's undone hair.

-(This one is inspired by That's 70 show when Eric and Donna "accidentally" get engaged while still in highschool and I find it both adorable and hilarious) Kirishima is the one to propose and Bakugou says yes- HOWEVER they don't get engaged in the traditional way. Its a month before graduation(this is in their 3rd year), they're randomly partnered together for their final [hero] exam. Bakugou was the one to form the plan since Kiri is super nervous, seeing as its the final exam and all- that and he's still nervous from the previous week's general studies finals. Because of how uneasy he is and how great Bakugou's strategy is, in the midst of things, he says "marry me". It just slips out like he had no control over saying it or whatever. Just before Aizawa tells them its time for their exam to start Bakugou says, "How about next year in the fall? I hear that's a great time to get hitched." And for the entire time during their test Kiri is on a high from how happy he is. Afterwards they're panicking because they finally came to the realization that they basically just got engaged. (I may or may not include this in the SCR2, idk yet)

- They both just love to tease each other on their physical features. Bakugou would comment on Kiri's singular dimple and call it a cheek dent, then Kiri would come back and dish dirt out on how Baku's cheeks chub out when he's angry. They go back and forth until they just melt into each others arms.

Crimson Riot

-His son(Kiri's dad) is the reason why he retired. His wife left him because of how overbearing it can get to be a hero's wife. So he was a single father with no intentions of getting remarried.

-He takes as much pride in his family as he had when he was a hero in duty.

-He retired after he was protecting his son(age 13) from a low life criminal/robber. The man was trying to rob him of his belongings on the way home from school, Crimson caught this from his bedroom window, underestimated the criminal's quirk(a hard needle point bullet quirk). He was too slow and got hit, but thankfully his son was safe. He retired immediately after in fear that his son was going to be put into more danger.

-His hair has completely grayed now in his old age so his son and ex-daughter-in-law call him Off Colored Riot.

-He also has a short graying beard that makes him look twice his age. He refuses to shave it off because he really likes it.

-Crimson thinks that his own grandson being a huge fan of his is the single most ironic and sweetest ting ever. He cherishes his oldest grandson more than anything in the world.

-The "incident" was when he almost caused his own son's and ex-daughter-in-law's death on their wedding day. He attracted the attention of an old villain he had put away long ago. He ended up fighting again, dispute his retirement. There were many casualties after taking the fight into the city and out of the ceremony. He believes it to be his biggest fault and regrets it very much. He wishes he could go back and prevent the entire thing from happening.

I really want Crimson to actually show up in canon, like NOT in a flashback or anything. I want Aizawa to just call him up like "hey come teach my class or some shit. I have a Crimson fanboy here and he'd go nuts if you came. I also need a ding-dang nap." and when he comes (based on my HC) he's clean shaven, in his old hero costume, and is wearing an old keychain that Kirishima had made for him when he was younger. And then Kiri just sits there silently and everyone is wondering why he isn't having a Midoriya-level freak out until he yells "GRANDPOP!?" And Crimson casually says "Oh hey there son! I brought you some of your favorite snacks." and just proceeds to both embarrass and confuse him.

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