Shitty AU list because G docs can be a horrible format sometimes

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I don't have many AUs since I kinda follow many preexisting AUs, however if I think of new AUs I may either update this or make a new chapter


The Todoroki twins are fraternal twins. They may not look the same but they do act the same.

They often come off as mean or cold to newcomers, often times, distant.

Reito Todoroki

Quirk: Cold

-Likes cold soba
-Unlike his brother, he will occasionally casually crack in a joke or two into a conversation
-Blunt and to the point, often using harsh words without a filter
-Very cold to new people, especially if they just want to talk because of who his father is
-Will aid Shouji with anything
-Older brother by one minute; but hey, who's counting?
-Can be talkative at times but its always if he has important input
-Quick on his feet but not his head

Shouji Todoroki

Quirk: Hot

-Likes tempura soba
-Typically very quiet unless spoken to, however, when alone with his brother, he tends to come out of his comfort zone and talk a lot more
-Believes he is weak minded and cruel at heart because he has his father's power; he wishes to have Reito's power; often times he refuses to actually use his quirk as a rebellion against Enji
-Holds his tongue most times, but it does occasionally slip and he says something rude; he doesn't necessarily apologize as most times he just doesn't feel the need to
Totally inactive towards new people, he ignores their existence until they go away
-Will aid Reito with anything
-Younger brother by one minute; Reito often brags about it, not that Shouji cares
-Only puts his input across if he feels like its beneficial to the topic- which unfortunately isn't often
-Quick thinking but overall pretty slow

Quirk dynamic:

Reito's Cold, if overused, will cause self inflicted frostbite and small, often growing, ice crystals to form along his skin. When that happens, Shouji is there to melt him.

Shouji's Hot, if overused, will overheat his body past his normal body temperature, which will ultimately cause him to pass out from heat exhaustion. When that happens, Reito is there to cool him down.

Together, they make a functional team; Reito being the speedy barricade, and Shouji the brainy strategist. They are seen as a talented future hero duo.

They find comfort in each other's company so they are rarely apart. They were the exception to "roommates" in the dorms, seeing as they had preferred to share a room all their lives, developing separation anxiety as a result.

They were first trained separately but then when Enji saw their potential together, that was when they were trained together. They depend on each other.

When Rei poured the boiling water on Shouji's face Reito was the one to actually stop her from pouring it over his entire face; in the process he earned a scar on his left shoulder when the water had splashed on him. The scar is hidden from sight but he'd find himself staring at it in the mirror, thinking back.

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