The Bakugou fam

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-Was legit terrified to talk to other women after he started dating Mitsuki. When he figured out that she could care less if he talked to other women, without the intent of flirting that is, he finally started talking to his mother again.

-When Katsuki was born he cried so much you could swear he was actually related to Inko Midoriya.

-Is secretly more terrifying than Mitsuki and Katsuki combined. He isn't quick to temper but he will fuck you up if you push him.

-And now, how Masaru proposed to Mitsuki: he didn't. He found himself with a wedding ring on one morning and just accepted it.

-He just likes assertive women. Don't @ him.

-Is the only one Katsuki has made macaroni art for. He brags to Mitsuki even to this day.

-Once felt threatened by a pickle for no reason. (Pssst.... Mitsuki bit a pickle and pointed to his lower half while wearing a scowl and let's end it at that)

-Real reason he wears glasses: To see your fucking bullshit from a mile away.


-When she asked Masaru out she totally wasn't wearing a shirt that said "you can't run away."

-Once accidentally tripped while watching Masaru walk ahead of her- but you didn't that hear that from me.

-Seriously wishes she didn't look so young. She can't get a drink without being ID checked every five minutes.

-She doesn't always yell or curse like everyone thinks she does. She also uses a megaphone to calmly tell others to "fluff off" or to "suck my mega dong." She often uses this tactic to tell Katsuki to go the fuck to bed.

-Everyone may think she's a bad mother but not everyone can fucking bake like a damn goddess Brenda!

-When Katsuki was born she refused to let him go.

-Thinks Katsuki is a mama's boy at heart.

-Will literally fight a grape if it looked at her wrong.

-She is the definition of a badass mother.

-Once punched another mother in the nose for calling Katsuki too obnoxious and rude.

-Will fuck someone up if they talked badly about her family.

-Will do anything for Katsuki, just don't tell him. Not Masaru though. He has his own two hands and feet. Fucking use them.

-Deliberately taught Katsuki his to say "fuck."

-She proposed to Masaru. She just sorta told him he was getting married to her and left it at that.

-All in all though, Mitsuki and Masaru have a weird dynamic compared to other couples. However, they see it as the norm to them. Masaru balances out Mitsuki's impulsive and harsh nature while Mitsuki actually boosts his confidence and even livens him up a bit. You'd think they fight a lot but not really. They normally talk their issues out in a civil manner. And if they do fight, its most likely over something that could have a huge impact on their lives that they have an indifferent view on.


-When he was four he had this nightly routine that he had to do:

"And then I was like 'Go fuck yourself, Brenda. No one likes your ratchet ass oatmeal cookies!' And-"

Katsuki runs into their room, climbs onto their bed, and puffs out his chest. He inhales deeply and yells, "I HAVE TO PEE!"

Masaru just gives him a thumbs up with a proud smile. "You go show that toilet who's boss, bud!"

Katsuki hops down with a thud and runs off. Mitsuki turns back to her husband. "Anyway, Brenda's a bitch."

-Was that kid in kindergarten who ate glue. Now he just sorta spreads it on his hands and arms and peels it off to see if his skins gets smoother.

-His bedroom in the dorms has too many All Might posters, hero plushies, and an Ingenium comforter.

-His third favorite hero, All Might being his first and Best Jeanist his second, is Ingenium because he's from a long line of other heroes. He says it shows their strength since the bloodline continues. Still hates Iida though.

-He's a fanboy at heart.

-Also a papa's boy at heart.

-Too gay to see straight.

-Needs glasses he's so gay.

-Actually, correction... He actually needs glasses....

-Once called Aizawa dad. Hasn't lived that moment down since.

-Has walked in on Kirishima redying his hair. Thought he fucking murdered someone and was ready to hide a body for him.

-Levels of affection:


Slightly more toleration

"You can sit exactly 3 inches away from me and I won't kill you"

Fuck you

Less of an extra

Not an extra

Shitty hair

-His cousin is Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady).

-Hates his cousin with a burning passion.

-Once stepped on a Lego and declared war on the company.

-Once put Mitsuki's makeup on and when she caught him she taught him how to properly wear eyeliner. He always goes to his mother for makeup advice.

-Had a full blown argument with a goat at a petting zoo.

Taurus' collection of big busty headcanons{BNHA}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon