Hatsume Mei

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- Mei was adopted when she was two. She has no clue who her biological parents are but she couldn't care less. She considers her adoptive mom and dad her real mom and dad anyway. If her biological parents came walking back into her life she'd say hi and go back to whatever she was doing.

- Her mom is the secretary of a very successful support company. Mei grew up going to the building when she wasn't in school and its basically what attracted her more to inventing things.

- Her dad is a successful business man at a fairly large toy company his family owns. He could be higher up in the company but he'd rather work for his status than let it be given to him— which is exactly what he had taught Mei!

- Every Thursdays and Saturdays, she and her parents have game night where they play Dungeons and Dragons, or their favorite game, Uno. Most of their game nights usually end with Mei wearing the snack bowl and claiming she's the queen.

- Mei doesn't really curse, and its totally not because she's been scolded for it over and over again by her mom. However when she's mad she does tend to let a curse or two slip.

- She mumbles things under her breath when super focused on inventions or tests. She does mumble very quietly so no one is bothered by it.

- Real big fan of Naruto. Once did the Naruto run at her elementary school graduation.

- She's actually quite organized despite seeming disorganized. She puts away whatever tools or supplies she's used in the right places and even has those spots labeled. However, you wouldn't think she was if you saw her room.... Its a disorganized organized mess!

- Not very keen on keeping up to date with her hygiene. She just thinks is way too tedious! She could be using that time to brainstorm!

- Her quirk does have an adverse effect on her. When she uses it way too much or for an extended amount of time she gets these awful migraines that just don't go away until hours later. She actually specially designed her goggles to help combat any strain her quirk could cause— it basically mimics her quirk, but not to an exact T— so when her eyes feel too strained or tired to use while working she pulls down her goggles to use instead. Her goggles were also her very first invention that didn't blow up!

- The reason most of her inventions flop is because she gets way too excited during the processes of building it. She either forgets to add something or adds TOO MUCH of something and it just fails. Her parents and Powerloader always tell her she needs to slow down and look at the blueprints more, and she tries but she just gets so lost in making her inventions that she forgets to. Powerloader is trying to help her with this habit of hers by holding small after school group builds that would make her have to constantly look back and double check the blueprints— which she really hates....

Mei(or as I kept typing her name as "Mew" for some reason) needs more attention. I have a soft spot for the science inventer gals as they're really cute and rad!

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