Desire (Lemon)

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The sad tone in your voice made his body steam in anger. "Why are you hesitating to be mine? I will make you mine!" Crawling off you, you moved up curling up into a ball a bit scared.

Sliding his pants off you quickly cover your face. Lucci aggressively grabs hold of your ankles pulling you under him. "Lucci please." You whimper out covering your breasts. "You will not hide anything from me. I have burned for you and I have fought it enough, I wanted to be gentle but knowing now there is someone else I can't have you be free. I will take you away if I have too! But you will be mine and mine alone!"

The sweet innocent face you have with crystal eyes of silence made his animal side maintain its calmness. Growling he leans in nibbling your earlobe. "I'll start it off gentle so I can have you moaning for me, enjoy what I do to you."

Gripping your thigh lifting your leg up against his waist he wrapped a belt around your wrists and kept them tied up against the beds posts.

"Lucci please I-" his hand closed on your lips. "Only say my name no other words. If you even speak of that bastards name I will leave and return with his head."

The heat of his body begin to make yours sweat beneath his. Sliding his hands on the curves of your body his nails gently dug into your waist not to cause pain but surprising pleasure. Sliding his head first you already begin to imagine how he will fit inside you. Lucci teased your entrance sliding in and out his eyes focused on your facial expressions.

Closing your eyes with your mouth partially open you felt him slide himself half way. Lucci snarled out his nails digging into the bed feeling just how tight your walls are. Despite you being wet he was having difficulty being accepted.

The temptation of being rude on just slamming into you is close in his mind.

But when he sees that face of twisted pleasure he fights his own rude temptation. He will work his way but he won't have this moment ruined.

At this point if the Blackbeard's crashed into the church Lucci will let them take what they seek. Fuck his mission, fuck his ranks, fuck his loyalty to the government! At this point he just wants you. You are all the focus for his forever blinded future.

Slowly sliding out he slides back in ever so gently that it rubbed the burning sensations in your walls. Whimpering out Lucci slid his hand in between your chest up to your neck to rest your cheek in his palm. The shattering face of pleasure that he can hold.

What stupid man could have taken you? What stupid man did you allow to be yours? They don't deserve you. They probably don't appreciate the beauty that he himself sees before his eyes.

It just pisses him off on what ungrateful bastard runs freely around the streets. One thing is very much for sure, if Lucci ever meets that ungrateful bastard he will tear every limb off him.

"Look at me." Lucci growls out and you listen opening your eyes to meet his. "Say you are mine." His fangs showed between his growls. The words just hovered in your lips it was there but for some reason they just couldn't come out. Sliding himself in a bit deeper you let out a gasp, shutting your eyes gasping. Feeling every inch of him slide completely inside.

Letting out a small scream of relief when he stopped. The sensation that was the mixture of pleasure and pain made you want more. Sliding out he rammed inside you making you release the air in your lungs. Gasping of pain that slowly turned to pleasure. Croaking out a scream, Lucci bit your neck roughly sucking it and licking the skin.

Releasing your neck he left a small oval bruice. It's not a hickey it's a love bite, if done correctly it should bring a bruise that becomes a sweet spot. Whenever he licks it or even rubs it the swelling pain is actually pleasure.

"Lucci." whimpering out his name when he begins to thrust inside you halfway in halfway out. Grabbing hold of your breast he squeezes them to bite the sides his eyes glaring up for your shattering expression of pleasure. That menacing tongue of his ever so rough on your nipple.

But the way his eyes stare up into yours, showing you the loving lust that he has hidden. A burning passion that you have also kept hidden. A love that shouldn't be happening. Rules and duties are no longer of concerns. This man will forcefully pull you away from this church.

But if he loves you as much as he claims to, perhaps there is a way to pursue him to stay.

Raising up he devoured your lips as he continued to keep a burning rhythm.

Lifting you up in his arms he breaks the belt with this claws, growling feeling the burning passion he holds deeply within his chest for you. "You are mine." thrusting roughly you dig your nails into his back.

Flipping you on your stomach he nibbles every inch of your back. Lifting your waist up a bit you looked over your shoulder showing him you desire more. Lucci's eyes glow with complete lust seeing you submit for him and he will do everything you wish. Slightly sliding his nails on your skin making sure not to go in deep. He won't harm you that's the last thing he wants to do to you.

Biting down on your neck his hands wrap around your body to grope your breasts. Feeling his entire girth slide inside of you hitting all the right spots.

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