Stone by stone

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Sitting on the bench in front of your piano with lost emotional thoughts of an empty heart. It's been 2 months since Lucci and Jabra left. Sighing softly you begin to feel abandoned. "Lucci.." you softly say with a tear sliding down your cheek.

Having doubts of him leaving you has lead you into believing that you were being selfish. "How can I question him that way? Perhaps something happened to him. He does work for the government so maybe he left..."

That day he left with Jabra he turned back and waved at you.

"Was that his goodbye? I hope he's okay." Covering your mouth from the croak of your voice was just shocking. "Oh Lucci, what have you done to me. I'd like to believe you were different, I'd like to believe all those times you visited was because you felt something for me."

Sliding your finger on the key you sigh. "Perhaps he got upset? He did the same thing last time when the piano broke. Maybe he's upset about something else? I know! I'll search for him! Surely the village people will lead me to him." Standing up with the motivation of good intentions you remember your duties and it forces you to sit back down slowly. "But I mustn't leave the church unattended."

My Chemical Romance- The Ghost of you piano

Frowning you begin to press some keys. Hattori whose been watching for the past 2 months has come and gone reporting to Lucci. Hattori felt very hurt watching how slowly you lost your color of red cheeks.

The exciting movements you had days ago have become slow and depressing.

Even now, after hearing you speak Hattori felt his own feelings suffer.

Normally he would not care for anyone but since Lucci sends him constantly to watch you Hattori has also become attached to you. Hattori also has witnessed Lucci who's also painfully in love with you.

Business has been done in the town and villages but the itch of his hands the way his muscles tense. All small movements that want to send him to the church. Hattori can feel his master's pain whenever he looks over the horizon to see the church shine.

Lucci has become much more of a heavy drinker but Kalifa caught on to Lucci's drinking. Lucci backed away before it became an addiction but now his work is boring. What he used to enjoy was murdering people but now it's not as exciting.

Rubbing the side of his head a nerve constantly strikes his mind. 'Lucci, men like you, there is still room for forgiveness'

Your words haunted him during his business as if he is slowly losing the man he worked hard to become.

Perhaps there is no room for a god to forgive him but

'Men like you, I shall forgive.'

If you are willing to forgive everything he has done then it doesn't matter what a god rains upon him.

Hattori lands on his shoulder covering Lucci's ear to whisper out his secret to him. Lucci sits up from the chair as Jabura, Kalifa and Kaku look up to him. "I must go." Lucci walks away sliding his hat on. The way he strides swiftly seems like his normal self but deep inside a wild river flows through him.

You his beloved is sickened, the way Hattori seemed worried told Lucci so much about you. There is something terribly wrong with you.

Holding the towel around your body to look at the bathtub seeing your own reflection. Touching your face a shiver of shame crosses your chest.

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