Whatever Happens

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Washing the dishes from the pirates that ate and are now wound asleep on the benches and some on the floor. Of course they got drunk and passed out but you have good faith in being safe. It's used to be so much easier when everyone believed for you to be a ghost.

Now many know you are indeed mortal flesh and that you have children.

Drying your hands you look up at the clock. "12:45"

Checking the oven you take out the beef you were slowly cooking. "I can get started on the potatos and the salad and-" your inspiration becomes wild as all you can think about is satisfying Lucci.

Meanwhile Lucci was actually out in the city. Reaching out to a man grabbing him the collar of his shirt. "What do you mean you won't sale me any flowers?" The man sweats nervously. "Well my store is closed."

Lucci growls out raising his finger up letting out his long black nail to grow. "You will open this store and I will buy the flowers that are displayed." The man laughs nervously. "Well those aren't for sale. You wouldn't be able to afford them. Despite you looking from a wealthy luxury life you can't-"

Lucci's teeth grow as he snarls as he stabs the man in the throat. Tossing him to the side. Hattori sticks his tongue out at the man.

Lucci punches through the window getting the vase of flowers. "I'm not dealing with anyone's bullshit. I want to see my wife and kids."

Lucci goes over next door to chocolate bakers who are shivering in fear. They fall on top of each other but get right up opening the door for him. "Please come right in ignore the sign. We will make an acception." Lucci walks right in as he starts to demand them on baking. Dipped chocolate apples, donuts, cakes, shakes, fresh made chocolates.

Everything he could think of that you and the kids would like. "That'll be 15,700 berries." The baker's say exhausted. Lucci raises an eyebrow. They panic and start calculating again. "Our apologies. It's 1,570 berries." Lucci pays them off and makes them follow him with the craters of what they baked.

"Where does this guy even live?" One of the baker's whispers as they are exhausted but following this guy through a trail inside some woods.

"Excuse us." Lucci stops looking at them with a death state. Hattori's eyes glow red as well indicating the menacing vibe.

"Well we were just wondering how much further. We are worried the shakes won't make it."

Lucci growls turning around and continuing to walk. "Hurry up then!"

The baker's sigh and push forward.

"She must be a beautiful wife."

The baker looks over. "How do you know he's married?"

The baker points at the ring on Lucci's 3rd index finger. "Wow. Very observant. But you are right she must be beautiful."

Lucci listens closing his eyes. "It's much more than that." The baker's look up shocked that he could hear them whispering. "She's much more. More than any other man could have. All I had in my mind was that she must be protected.

The only woman in life that made me change. She is the only one who taught me how to live she made me view things differently. She forgave me for everything I have done. She forgave everyone. The most innocent light that held in my hand.

It's something about her that brings me to peace. I don't feel like a murder I don't feel like I need to belong or proof anything. I fell in love with who she was before I was even able to truly see her face.

And I brought her life just as she brought me life. This woman is mine and I belong to her. I will search for her in the depth of the ocean for her. I would live just as I would die for her."

Hattori listened to Lucci.

There's a lot on his mind and he's telling the baker's. It's been 2 years so of course he would trust the baker's. Lucci needs some closure. You made him more human than anything else.

Looking out the kitchen window you wait eagerly. The table is all set with everything you could have thought of cooking. Maybe you got a bit carried away. Jabura comes in yawning. "Oh boy!" He gets ready to eat a steak on the table. Quickly you smashed the end of your swords sheath against his face.

"Bad Jabura!" You take off your sandal and smack him as he squats down whimpering. Retreating on all fours he crawls back into the kids room. Transforming into a wolf with streams of tears and a hungry belly for that steak. "Lucci is a lucky son of a bitch."

The baker finally asks. "Who is she?" Lucci stops walking, smiling widely as the wind blew on him making his hair dance. Breathing in deeply he is welcoming the feeling of home.

"Lucci!!" You scream out running out from the church with tears in your eyes. Almost stumbling it made him flinch a bit but you kept running.

"My Lucci!" You wrapped your arms around him tightly crying onto his chest. Lucci closed his arms around you still holding the vase. Nuzzling his face against your neck fighting his own unsteady emotions.

"WHAT!!" The baker screams out with his tongue out in utter shock.

"He's married with the priestess of the church! The same Priestess who saved the village!"

They all look at each other and run up to Lucci and you. "Oh priestess!" They fall on their knees. "Thank you for all the good you have done for us." The baker says keeping his head down. The younger one looks up at you. "Thank you for the changes you have done for all of us!"

Lucci held you close it was so perfect as if the both of you were like melted candles. Lucci never stopped looking away from you his expression was just of utter compassion. Those menacing eyes that the baker's feared changed to something much more. Open doors for you to read.

It's true and they can confirm it. Lucci has given all he is for you. It's true for a man to change for the one they love. To just give themselves up completely. It's clear to be noticed that if anything were to ever happen to you it would burn away the man they see now. Shatter every ounce of him leaving him nothing more but an empty shell.

God help anyone who would harm you.

The baker's were lost in the true nature of the man that stood before them with his wife. A man they just watched kill a flower seller. A man who threatened them to bake for you. Now it's all making sense.

Lucci moved a strand of your hair behind your ear before giving you such a tender kiss. Blushing you looked up to him feeling astonished from just how warm that kiss was.

Lucci snaps his fingers and the baker's run up with craters. "I brought something for you and the kids." Your eyes widen in joy.

"Oh, I have some guests that are asleep. So we have to take them back. Please forgive me." You say bowing at the baker's.

The baker's panic and run up. "Please priestess don't bow to us. Please don't bow!" You quickly stand up and look around terrified. "Why what's wrong?"

Lucci quickly becomes alert of everything. "No it's just not needed. We are the thankful ones."

Sighing in relief you show them the back and Lucci follows right beside you. "I've missed you so much. I've also made a team." He leans in whispering as you hold the vase. "These are such rare flowers and so beautiful. Where did you get them? Nevermind how rude of me. Thank you for bringing them."

The baker's listen to how generous you are. "She's a true angel." They see it. The light that follows you.

But really truly it's your sword that you have well hidden in your gown. That's your father's spirit protecting you. The only reason you haven't harmed yourself is because you have him to aid you.

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