|07|Elijah Smith

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We keep this love in a photograph,
We made these memories for ourselves.

Hi guys, welcome back to another Chapter☺️
Thank you for reading, On we go to the story.
[Not Edited]
It's been a day or two since the moment at that little cafe place. I am still wondering who this Klaus Person is. Was he a threat to anyone who I cared about?
Elena had called me up earlier to tell me that Bonnie had locked her up in the house and that she wanted company. I wasn't doing anything all day, as usual, so I agreed.
I have been in the Gilbert household for about an hour now and Elena was still quite annoyed that she couldn't get out. I had asked her about this Klaus guy and her only answer to it was that he was a bad vampire person. I didn't understand half of the things coming out of her mouth.Many people are bad, how bad is he. Did he compel someone to kill themselves or was he a mass murderer himself. Knowing a couple vampires, answer two sounds more right.
We had been upstairs for a while before me decided to go downstairs into the kitchen. As we turned the corner from the stairs though, Jenna was going through a cupboard. She was pulling boxes full of what it looked like, books and information. She handed one to Elena before explaining that she was roped into the history Society by Mrs Lockwood.
"And by roped, I mean excited." Jenna said before kicking the door shut revealing that Vampire which was threading to basically kill both of us.
"Hi, I'm Elijah." He said trying to act out he had never met us before. I felt like running to the door and going back home where no vampire was invited in. Elijah was invited into Elena's house. No wonder what he will do.
Me and Elena were both shocked beyond the blinking point.
"Elijah is in town doing research on Mystic Falls." Jenna explained putting the box down and sorting out other stuff.
"It's a pleasure." Elijah said walking up to both of us. He seemed to focus his gaze on me but I completely ignored it. What would he want with a worthless human like me anyways. He extended his hand to Elena's and she shook it.
Elijah and Jenna were now talking about how he could collect the Mystic Falls information before he walked to the door with Jenna. Before he walked out, he turned back to Elena, "I hope we see each other again." Before walking out of the house.
"Luna, go tell Jeremy. Quickly!" Elena said to me before I rushed up the stairs. I ran to Jer's door before pounding on it. Before I could knock anymore. Someone grabbed ahold of my hands. I looked along the arms and up to the face. Elijah. How could Jenna be so stupid to let him in. Right, she doesn't know about all this Supernatural business.
Elijah backed into a corner when Jeremy's door started to open. He looked at me weirdly to think why I was pounding on his door.
"Was there anything you wanted Lu?" Jer asked me being concerned. We have always been concerned with each other.
"Um... Jenna needs help with some of the stuff downstairs." I replied, after thinking about it. What a lame excuse.
"K. See you later Lu." Jeremy said before going down the stairs.
Elijah emerged from the Corner and made his way over to me. He seemed to stare at me again. Why was he so focused on me.
"That was a smart decision Luna." Elijah said smiling at me. I didn't smile back. He's an enemy and your not supposed to be friends with the enemy.
Elena had now run up the stairs to know what was going on. She saw Elijah and he signalled that they needed to talk. I didn't want to be apart of it so I walked down the stairs to go and help Jenna and Jeremy. As I reached the bottom, Jeremy was sitting on the couch and Jenna had already sorted all the stuff out. I went and plopped myself down next to Jeremy raising his attention.
We talked for a while before Elena called me back up. I made an excuse saying that she was taking a shower and I was going to get bored being alone in her room. I walked up the stairs after saying bye to Jeremy and rounded to Elena's room. I opened the door to find that Elijah was still here.
"Luna, he needed to talk to you." Elena said before going out the room.
"What do you need to talk about?" I said rather sternly towards Elijah.
"Not messing around Arabella. Why are you back here." He said walking towards me. Who's Arabella.
"I don't have a clue what you are talking about. I'm not this Arabella person you speak of. I am Luna Donovan." I Said rather annoyed.
"Prove it to me." He said walking towards me again. To took a couple steps back this time.
"Who is Arabella. I've never heard of this person before. You really expect me to prove something to you that I don't understand." I said questionably.
"Another Doppelgänger duo. I'll explain to you as we take a drive. Go tell Elena that you are coming with me." Elijah said.
I exited the room to find Elena outside near the staircase.
"Elijah needs to talk to me some more so I am going to leave with him." I said straight forward.
"You don't know what he is going to do Luna. He could kill you by all means." Elena said being concerned.
"I'll be fine, we just need a chat. I need Information and so does he." I said before going back into the room and Leaving with Elijah.
Duh Duh Duhhh!
So, who is Arabella?
Leave Suggestions for the story if you wish☺️

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