New Dog. New Tricks.

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"Come here, baby girl.  I want you to try something." Desirée walked to Tony unsure of what to expect. "Here take a hit." She hit the blunt and immediately began to cough. Several drags later she could feel herself slipping. More people entered the room. She felt panicked as they crowded around her. "Relax, baby. I'm here." Then everything went dark.

That was two years ago. If only she knew how things would change...

After a long day at work, Tony drops Celeste and I off at home. We walk inside a throw down our bags.

"I'm exhausted", I say flopping on the bed.

"Me too, but I know something that'll change that." Celeste crawls up to me, seductively "Why don't we take a nice hot bath?" When I don't move she looks at me puzzled. "What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about Tony."


"He's been acting different. You notice that he doesn't come home with us anymore? He just drops us off."

"He told us where he goes. He said he's got some new business plans with some friends."

"Celeste, I have a really bad feeling about this."

"Baby, don't worry. Besides, haven't you been enjoying our alone time." She kisses me softly and I smile.

A loud bang erupts from another room.

"Stay here and close to the phone. I'll go check it out." I climb out of bed and reach into my bag. I grab my knife and slowly creep into the next room. Tony glares up at me from the floor surrounded by glass. "What happened?"

"Don't worry about it", he yells getting up.

"Are you okay?" No answer. "Tony?" Still nothing. "Tony, can you"- my sentences is cut of by a sharp pain on the side of my face and the feeling of my body hitting the floor.

"You're so much prettier with your mouth closed", he chuckles hovering over me. "Now, get on your knees so I can show you what to do when your mouth is open." I lied there struggling to get up. My pain only increased as he began to kick me. "I said get up, dumb bitch! Oh, so you can't take orders now?!" He grabs me by my shoulders and throws me on the couch.

"No", I scream as he rips my clothes off. I hear footsteps behind me.

"Get off of her!" Tony pushes Celeste into the wall, knocking her unconscious. I cry as she lies on the floor unable to move. Tony climbs on top of me and has sex with my semi lifeless body. I could not moan or even scream. All I could do was cry as he had his way.

A few months later...

Things have only gotten worse for me and Celeste. After, the first few times of raping me Tony started inviting his "business partners". The groups got larger until he decided to pimp me out officially on top of dealing cocaine. Celeste was forced to run errands for Tony. She's in charge of delivery and collection.

The strip club is always full. Full of eager, horny drug addicts that need their fixes. I couldn't even begin to count how many hours I've spent looking up at mirror ceilings watching men explore me and take lines off of my body. Or how many of them have beaten me because I couldn't perform sexually the way they wanted me to. Even as I think these thoughts, my face is in a pillow, hands tied behind my back as another patron gets off. That disgustingly familiar warmth fills my body as he releases inside me. He unties my arms and helps me up. He leaves. I clean myself up and put different clothes on. I walk out, perform a couple numbers and return to my room where my next patron waits.

"What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for a private dance. I just wanna see what that body can do on the pole."

"What's your name hot shot?"

"Morris, baby. Now, why don't you dance for me. I'm paying by the hour." I step on the platform and twirl around the pole. One dollar bills fly through the air as I do the same. He moans softly and I notice him getting hard. I lick my lips and approach him.

"Let me take care of that." I get on my knees and do something I've done plenty of times before. I look up at him and he smirks.

"Ride it for me, baby." I stand and straddle his legs and I'm sure you can imagine what happens next. Once, we're done he tips me, adjusts his yellow suit and walks out. I tuck the cash into my boot and the night goes on.

Hours of sex and a plan b later, I'm lying in bed sobbing into Celeste's chest.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of being used."

"I counted up our money. One more night of tips and we'll have enough to get out of here and start our new life. You just have to hold on til tomorrow."

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