U Got the Look

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Prince's POV

I lead her excitedly to Studio B. She has a seat on the couch as I begin to pull up the song. My heart begins race as I look at her reflection in the glass. Do I really want to show her? What if she doesn't like it? What if it's too much? What if the vocals clash too much? For the first time in my life I was unsure of my music. I glance over at her and feel myself anxiously setting up. Before I could change my mind the song begins to play.

I feel shy unable to look at her directly. So I steal glances in the glass to see if she likes it. Her eyes are closed and her foot is tapping lightly on the wooden floor. Either she's listening or she's falling asleep. The song ends and she comes to.

"That was beautiful."

"It's about you."  I turn to face her and she looks at me in shock. "The first time I saw you I was amazed and intrigued by your beauty. You were harsh with your words and swore more than I did but you were so beautiful. You were unapologetic about who you were and what you did. So forward and blunt yet shy and coy. I searched for a flaw in you and to this day I can't find one. You're perfect and your eyes. They hold so much. The eyes are the windows to the soul but you seemed to close your curtains. I couldn't figure you out but I knew there was something about you. You just... you have this..."

"Look?" She chuckles.

"Yea. This...look." I gaze into her eyes and feel myself melting in my chair.

Desirée's POV

I look at him and feel something I haven't felt in a long time, happiness. I'm safe here. He tells me he won't hurt me and that he will protect me and I believe him. I love him but I can never tell him or anyone for that matter. I shouldn't even be saying it to myself. Love makes things complicated. I'd rather them stay simple like they are now.

Ronnie walks in with a stoic face. That probably doesn't mean much since I don't think I've ever seen him smile but this face seemed urgent. Like something was happening.

"Sir I need to speak to you, in private." Prince looks at me and I immediately hold my hands up.

"It's okay. I'm gonna grab something to eat in the kitchen. Come find me when you're done." I kiss his cheek and make my way through the house. Once I'm the kitchen I look around at all my options. Pasta? No. Chicken? No. Leftover rice and beans? No. I want something simple and quick. I look through the cabinets and find the perfect solution. PB&J. I make my sandwich the way I always have and grab a tall glass of milk. After several bites, Prince appears in the kitchen. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "Everything okay?"

"Yea.. Just some stuff with this tour. They're moving the dates up so I gotta get ready. What'd you make?"

"You tell me." I offer him a bite of my sandwich and he takes it carefully.

"What is that?" He asks drinking the last of my milk and stealing my glass.

"Peanut butter and jelly."

"Why is it warm?"

"I made it on toast."

"That's a new one."

"Want the last bite since you finished my milk too?" I chuckle walking towards him. He opens his mouth wide and I put the corner piece in his mouth. I return to my spot at the island and begin cleaning up my mess.

"Desirée, come on tour with me."

"Are you sure about that? You don't think it'll be weird."

"Why would it be?"

"Cause Jerome called me a hooker and I smacked him in front of everyone?"

"They all love you and are on your side."

"I don't know, Prince."

"Just picture it, New York, Hollywood, Paris, Luxembourg, Rome, Madrid. We could runaway and never come back." His arms find their way around my waist again and he pulls me close. "Besides I cant just leave you here. Please, come travel the world with me." His warm skin touching mine cures my stubbornness. I sigh I'm defeat. I can't believe I'm saying yes.

"Fine, but I'm gonna need new clothes to travel the world in."

"Leave everything to me."

Prince's POV

She walks away and continues to clean the counter. I can't help but sigh. A week from today we will be on a flight out of here and we won't be back for two months. I just hope this plan works. It has to  work, for her.

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