Take Off

141 11 5

Princes POV

I stand and watch as they load up the plane. Suitcase after suitcase the belly of the plane gets filled. Desirée is sitting beside me holding my arm in excitement. She hasn't been on a plane in years. We stayed up all night talking about my travels and all the places I've been. I can't wait for her to see some of my favorites. The time comes for us to board our plane. It's a giant sized private jet with big comfy seats and lots of room. There's a master bedroom in the back and all the seats recline to make beds. I usually don't do this but I thought it'd be safer given the circumstances. Besides we'll do a lot of flying on this tour. We might as well be comfortable.

I take a seat and watch as Desirée tries to decide where to sit. I can't help but smirk and pull her into my lap. She chuckles and adjusts to her new seat pulling out a dance magazine to read.

"Hello, everyone. This is your captain speaking. It's time for take off. We should arrive in New York in about 3 hours. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight."

She quickly leans to the left and takes a long look out the window as the plane leaves the ground. Once we're flying she leans back in our seat and smiles.

"I'm glad you invited me", she whispers.

"I'm glad you came." I wrap my arms around her waist and she nuzzles closer to me. I bite my lip feeling her ass graze my dick. I banish my dirty thoughts and focus on the task at hand. Keeping her safe.

We sit in a moment of bliss as if no one else were there. The others talk and drink but I'm focused on Desirée. She's reading her magazine. Looking at all the poses and outfits, circling the ones she likes, taking notes of any new shows or styles she's interested in.  I can't wait to tell her all the things I've planned for us to do. All the places I want to take her. All the sights I want her to see. I'm gonna be stressed this whole damn tour but she deserves to enjoy herself.

Andre approaches with two wine glasses in his hand.

"Come on. We're about to make a toast." Desirée looks at me. Her eyes asking permission to take the drink. I made her give up her vices when she moved in but since then every now and then we sit and have a glass of wine or two. I reach for a glass and hand it to her before taking one for myself. We toast to a new tour, to a new dancer, to great songs, to new cities, and Miko adds in a new round of payment. We laugh and sip but Desirée is glued to her magazine. She looks down at it with sad focused eyes as if she's trying to avoid something. I ask her what's wrong and she stands up and walks to the back of the plane where the bed is closing the door behind her. I follow her, lock the door, and sit beside her on the bed. She's curled up in a ball facing the other way. Her hair is hiding her face but I already know she's crying.

"What if they don't like me?" She asks softly.

"They love you. You're one of us."

"No, I mean your fans."

"They'll like you. You're an amazing dancer. You've worked hard and it shows. Plus their tired of that belly dancing act."

"But what if they find out about my past?"

"You don't need to worry about that. I told you I'll protect you and I will and if somehow they find out my publicist and I have a plan but we'll talk about that if we get there." She sits there quietly gently rubbing the tears from her eyes. "I know what will cheer you up." I move to the side and reach in my bag to pull out one of her surprises.

"What is it?"

"Look at me and I'll show you." She rolls over slowly and sits up beside me. I put the envelope in her hand and wait for her to open it.

"I told you no money."

"It ain't money. Now open it." She opens it carefully and exams its contents. Then, she holds the envelope close as if it was a dear friend.

"You didn't have to do that."

"I thought it would be a good first date." She looks at me confused and shocked.

"Date? Like... like a couple?"

"You've been living with me for months. We've shared a bed, we've shared secrets. I know you have feelings for me and you're scared. I don't blame you. You're still healing. I just want to be there for you. Let me make you as happy as you make me."

"Prince, are you sure you want to date me?"

"Do you think I would've invited you on tour if I wasn't? I asked you to come because I'd miss seeing your beautiful smile everyday." I stroke her cheek and she looks in my eyes.

"Please Desirée. Will you let me be your man?" She thinks for a moment. I can see the uncertainty in her eyes. Maybe this was too soon. Lord, I hope I didn't scare her off. She closes them tightly and takes a deep breath. Then, she gives me a gentle nod then looks into my eyes.


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